MRI with Contrast (for Liver) Waiting times

Whilst waiting for my MRI results, I was looking on sites like this for some idea of when would I get my results to give me peace of mind, as the 'Walt' was the worst part of all of this.

So I am writing this to help others who wind up in same situ I was in.

FIrsty I got my MRI results exactly two weeks after doing the MRI within the NHS. I got the results by ringing up consultant Secretary, and as my letter for results had just been posted (Authorised) she was allowed to read what the letter said to me.

Secondly don't worry if the Consultant Secretary doesn't give you results over the phone, there is a reason for this,  Most NHS trusts don't allow admin (non medical) staff to give results over phone. She can only read results (in a letter) if it's been Authorised,  until then they can't read results, basically consultant must check it first.

Thirdly whilst waiting for results one day I asked the Secretary is no news good news? She said basically in our case yes,  you normally only go in straight away or telephoned soon after if it's bad news.

so try not to panic if you don't hear anything.

in my case it turned out to be a Focal Fatty Change on liver,  or FFC, (small benign fatty lump).

so I spent weeks worrying before MRI, during and after all for nothing.

Good luck with all your results, and if this gives someone a bit of piece of mind then all the better.
