Colonoscopy and biopsies.

Hi all. New here. I've just had a colonoscopy this morning and let me reassure you that its not as bad as you'd think. The moviprep however was actual worst part of the experience. 2 litres of fluid followed by atleast 20 bowel movements so stay close to the loo. The moviprep didn't do anything for 3 hours for me but people are all different but when nature took its place it was like you were having a wee but the back end. It works. So I arrived at 8.30 this morning to the endoscopy suite signed in the usual the blood pressure and got changed into gown and weird shorts. Then signed consent form and waited. Got called in and lay on the bed. Was canulated and the sedation was put in. I asked could you put numbing solution on my bum so I couldn't feel it. (Glad I did ). I also had gas and air. It wasn't hurting at all but just uncomfortable 5 mins in i was asked to lie on my front so the camera could go down my right side and went all the way down to the cecum. They took 8 biopsies I don't know if this is normal or not but has anyone else had this many. Then the Dr slowly started pulling the camera back out and was over and done with shortly after. I suffer with severe anxiety but let me reassure you all that having a colonoscopy is not as bad as some of the horror stories you read. The prep is the worst part. The procedure from entering the building to leaving with sedation was under 2 hours and the camera itself max 15 mins. Just has anyone else had 8 biopsies taken and what sorts of results did you come back with. I'm just concerned that he took 8 and said that my ascending colon was slightly inflamed. Thanks all.