
Hi, im George, 34 year male from South West Devon, recently I've been suspected for soft tissue sarcoma on my left upper arm, i have big lump in my muscle, nhs refereee to the sarcoma specialist and they proceed with scan, ct, and biopsy but after all that they are reserved and didn't put a diagnosis, in few days they will proceed to remove the lump and after that they can be more exactly wit diagnosis but on all my letters written sarcoma excision. Today i spotted in my right arm in the exactly position like on left arm another lump but looks more smaller, there is any chance to be something else because I've seen on internet is very rare to have two sarcomas? 

  • Hello GeorgeN,

    The best thing to do is to speak to your doctor about this other lump, if you haven't already. When you are worried that you may have cancer, it can be tempting to look for answers online, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better. And the only person that can diagnose you is your doctor.  

    I hope this is helpful,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi George

    Just wanted to say hello as I'm in a similar situation to you. I think once you know you have one lump you seem to notice other lumps and bumps. I noticed something under my arm and had it checked by my GP but wasn't anything they could find. 

    I had a lump in my right upper arm and had ultrasound, biopsy and MRI but results were not conclusive. So I had it removed last week. I am in Cornwall so may be under the same sarcoma team as you. I am now awaiting the results to find out if it is a sarcoma and if so may need further surgery.

    If you have the team at Plymouth then I have found them to be very good and they double checked under my arm too when I mentioned a possible other lump.

    Hopefully you can get it checked out quickly to save you worrying.

    All the best


  • I know this is a really old thread but I'm going through something similar and just wondered what I have to come and what your outcomes were? Thanks. 

  • Hi Worriedmum3, I am in the same boat as you. My MRI result states 4cm complex mass in my thigh, but no-one seems to want to commit to a firm diagnosis. I believe my results are awaiting MDT discussion at the sarcoma tumour board in Oxford, but it would be really helpful to understand others experiences that may be further ahead in this journey! 

  • Hi runninggirl38, a few weeks ago I found a lump in my upper arm. You can only feel it when I pull my arm back. I was sent for an emergency ultrasound and there was a 2cm lesion lying superficially to the tricep muscle. The scan said appearances suggest a subfascial lipoma but given it's deep location a specialist referal may be appropriate. So I was referred on a 2 week wait. I was reviewed in the MDT meeting and the radiologist who reviewed my ultrasound said they weren't too concerned but it doesn't look like a lipoma and they can't rule out cancer. I've now got an urgent mri which is tomorrow. To make this all harder, I have extreme health anxiety and ocd so I've been spiralling this week. I can't cope with the worry and the waiting. I'm so scared and this has all been such a shock. How long ago was your mri? It's nice to know I'm not alone! 

  • Hi, I feel exactly the same as you, my anxiety is out of control. I lost my mum to cancer (lung cancer with metastatic brain tumour) in September last year, so hearing the words potential cancer has sent me into a spiral. The waiting is torture isn’t it? My MRI was on Tuesday this week, so only 48 hours ago. The report came through so quickly but still inconclusive and I’m now waiting to hear what is next. I’m sending you lots of positive vibes and I hope tomorrow goes well, keeping everything crossed that yours is a lipoma! Do you have children? I’m guessing so by your username! That is the thing that is making this the most difficult…thinking about the potential impact on my two little ones if it is bad news :(

  • Oh honey I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. It's awful and I'm so sorry your now in this position. I feel so guilty because I don't know where my anxiety comes from. I just have this huge fear of cancer. Your results came through quickly but I think with things like this they are looking out for them. Is there anyone like a nurse you can speak to at the unit where you have been referred? I found a number for one of the sarcoma nurses and they have been great. She's tried to explain everything to me and tried to ease my anxiety a little. She said that sometimes even the mri can't give them the results they need and then a biopsy will be needed. She said that there are hundreds of different lumps and the majority aren't malignant. She also said not to be worried about the speed in which everything is going, they treat all cases as cancer until proven otherwise no matter how the lump is presenting. Yeah I have little ones too and my heart breaks when I look at them. I've been to some very dark places this week. I would try and speak to someone tomorrow and maybe explain what you have been through and see if they can give you any more information because it's not fair to make you wait. The waiting is most definitely torture. Thank you so much, that's really kind of you. I'm sending the same to you. It's so nice to be able to talk to someone about this. I think family and friends get fed up with me. 

  • Hi hun, I had my mri this morning. Not the nicest of things are they. I've made my anxiety even worse now though. I've rang the nurses in the sarcoma department and as I'm away for a few days with work next week I've asked if they can wait to give me the results until I'm back. With the bank holiday that will mean it's the following week. She agreed and said she thinks that's best. I'm now worried the results are back and she has seen that it's bad news and doesn't want to tell me. My mental health is taking a real bashing with this. I only had it at 10 this morning so would the results be sent back to the department and be on my record that quickly? How are you today? Have you managed to speak to anyone? 

  • Hello, please don’t worry… the results won’t be back yet. The images are always available to view but they have to be reported on (and that report also has to be verified). So the interpretation of your images won’t be available straight away. Mine took 24 hours to be available to my consultant, he met with me before he had the report which wasn’t overly helpful timing as he couldn’t tell me anything! It’s easier said than done, but try and enjoy your bank holiday weekend and focus on your work trip, the results will be the results irrespective of whether you get them tomorrow or in a week’s time! Well done for the scan, not the most relaxing experience is it!!!

  • Thank you. I was feeling better this afternoon but then I've met up with my friend who's a nurse and she said it doesn't look good. She read my notes on my app and said she was really worried. She thinks il 100% need to have a biopsy and the fact that they have told me they don't think it's worrying isn't true. I honestly nearly fell off my chair. Every time I look at my kids I start crying and have to walk away. I really don't want them to worry. I can't believe they gave you an appointment without having all the information from the scans. What did they say at your appointment? How did you get your mri results, did they ring you? Thank you so much for listening.