Breast lump but didn’t show on ultra scan.


Im 24 years old and I found a breast lump about 6 weeks ago, waited to have my period to make sure it wasn't anything hormonal. I went and saw my GP and he referred me and I was seen in 2 weeks. 

The lump is hard, doesn't move and is painless. I have purple discolouration on the same breast too. The surgeon was more concerned about the discolouration than the lump. 

I went for an ultra scan, and nothing showed up but there is defiantly a lump. I've got biopsies in the next couple of weeks but I'm worried that it's been missed and because of my age that I'm just going to pushed aside.

thank you

  • Hello louise1034, 

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. Don't worry I am sure you won't be pushed aside and that despite your young age and the fact that the lump didn't show on your ultrasound, they will be taking it all very seriously and will carry out thorough examinations. It's great for example that despite them not seeing the lump on the ultrasound they will still be carrying out biopsies. So rest assured that they won't miss anything and they know exactly what they are doing. 

    All you can do for now is wait and while you are waiting to find out more, try not to worry too much or anticipate what it might be. The best thing to do to avoid thinking too much about this is to keep busy and distracted if you can and avoid looking things up online. I can imagine it is hard for you to do this at the moment but it will help you feel a little less anxious. 

    I hope you will also hear from others here who have been through all this before and that they will be along soon to share their story with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Louise, 

    Sorry to hear you are going through this. I hope you are reassured with answers to post already. 

    Some lumps can be felt and seen like yours initially, but then not seen on scan.

    The specialist team will fully investigate with needle biopsy of area, while checking other areas too.

    There are many signs that they look for and lump on scan is just one of these. 

    I hope you have all your concerns answered at next appointment x  

    In meantime continue to chat on here for support and advice - many people can offer from their experiences x x


  • What was your outcome?? I also have a lump but not visible on ultrasound