FIT Test Rating 8.5 - What Does It Mean?


I'm a 75 year non-smoking old male. I take regular exercise and am sensible about my diet.

In February (4 months ago) I started leaking mucus from my anus. The doctor ran through all the normal tests for the condition and they all were negative. I am not losing weight and have no pain or other symptoms. He finally asked me to supply a stool sample for a FIT test. The result is a FIT rating of 8.5 and a recommendation for a colonoscopy.

The doctor didn't seem to know what a rating of 8.5 meant (or he wasn't saying).

Anybody know if this is high or low?


  • Hi

    The good news is your result isn't that high. Usually NHS test anyone over 10 so your result is outside that range. It sounds like the GP is being nice and thorough as you have mentioned mucus.

    good luck with everything. 

  • [@salsie]‍ Thanks for your reassuring reply.

    I'm due to receive a letter sometime in the next two weeks to book the colonoscopy. I'll come back and ppst the results.

    Thanks again.


  • @stu123 I have everything crossed for you. 

    im actually having my colonoscopy tomorrow as my FIT was ridiculously high at 137... trying not to go into panic overdrive as I'm 45 with 2 young kids... 

  • [@salsie]‍ Hope things went well and that the news is good.

  • [@stu123]‍ 

    Hey Stu. Thank you and pleased to report even with such a high reading they just found a polyp which appears to be benign. Big relief! 

    Wishing you all the best 

  • [@salsie]‍ 

    Sorry for the delay in replying. Glad everything seems ok with you and that you can relax about it.

    I had my meeting with the consultant yesterday, but it wasn't quite what I expected. The consultant just wanted a preliminary chat before deciding how to proceed - so no colonoscopy. :)

    During the chat it became obvious that he just wanted to clear me of the possibility of bowel cancer (which is good) but wasn't interested in explaining the mucus (which was disappointing)

    Between receiving the FIT test rating I had received an invitation for my regular two-year bowel cancer screening test so I returned that and got a reply saying 'no further action required'. I showed that to the consultant and he thought that was good news.

    The long and the short of it is that he's sure I've no bowel cancer but he doesn't know why I'm leaking mucus - 'I may just have to live with it'.

    He's going to write to my GP re the cancer all clear, not 'put me through the ordeal of a colonoscopy' and let the GP take it from there.

    The GP has no idea re the mucus so it looks like I'm back to square one with that one but don't have cancer. 90% goods news, 10% disappointing.

  • Hi stu - We are the same age, but female. I got back an FIT 7 reading and my symptom is just like yours with the leaky bottom.  My visit with the consultant was a preliminary inquiry.  No colonoscopy but will do some camera work before deciding on the actual colonoscopy.  No pain, no weight loss just the inconvenience of the leaky problem usually if I had any hot spicy food. Keep up the good work on your side, will post any further results.

  • Hi Ila

    Sorry to have taken so long to reply. Don't know how I missed the mail.

    Glad to hear that it doesn't sound anything serious for you. Hope it stays that way.

    Good luck.



  • wishing you good luck with your colonoscopy. I had my FIT results back yesterday, even more ridiculously higher than yours at 162.3.  Now waiting for my urgent referral with anxiety going through the roof.  I recently turned 60 and a fortnight ago received results for BC national screening programme which were "negative, no further action required". Cannot understand the disparity between these 2 test results...