Private colonoscopy wait

Can anyone tell me what the usual wait times are for a private colonoscopy? 6 weeks feels like a long time for mine... my GP said NHS waiting list was a huge backlog (understandably)  so suggested I go private.   

Saw private consultant 2 weeks ago. He said he would arrange blood test (had that done within 2 days but haven't been told results), CT scan (still waiting for that too) and only emailed me today offering colonoscopy in July. 

im starting to worry as since seeing him my pain levels have increased and my left buttock inside really aches like a deep bone ache  (I can't really sit down on my left side) and the skin feels numb and weird. I'm assuming whatever is going on in my colon is pressing on a nerve now. 

Because of the constant relentless pain I'm being so grumpy with my family, I'm tired all the time and I've lost 5kg. Ibuprofen or Paracetamol really don't help. I find it hard to drive for school pick up even sitting on a special cushion. 

I hate to make a fuss but it just all feels a bit hard work and it's costing an arm and a leg! 

  • Since writing the above, within an hour the hospital called me in for an emergency CT scan with contrast with 30 mins notice! By the time I got home they'd emailed to say they're trying to get a theatre slot for me ASAP for a colonoscopy so I guess they did see something on the scan! 

    don't know whether to feed relieved or more worried!

  • Hi 

    did you get any answers? Because I'm experiencing exactly the same thing for last 6 months the gp have only thrown me pills 

  • Hello [@langford19834]‍ 

    Yes I did, I'm sure you will be fine but I was diagnosed with Stage III anal cancer on 8 June. But this is a very rare cancer so you will probably be absolutely fine. I finished my chemoradiation at the end of August and have had a 100% response which is fantastic news. It's a very treatable cancer. But if I learnt one thing, it is don't delay!  Tell your GP you need a colonoscopy. The NHS seem to not take us seriously with colorectal cancer because the symptoms are so vague and are often not cancer. So don't be put off and request a referral because the best news would be you don't have anything! Maybe it is just polyps which they remove during the colonoscopy. 

    let me know how you get on 

    M x