23 with a sore hard lump

I can't get through to my doctor to get an appointment and have a horrible feeling about this, the lump is on the side kind of under left breast very hard and sore to touch, the last couple of weeks I havent been able to lay on that side or let my son cuddle into me as the pain can get so bad, the lump suddenly got bigger over the last few weeks I am terrified and can't talk to anyone about it, with not being able to get an appointment with my gp and being afraid of being fobbed off over my age I am feeling so much worse. In my gut I really feel I could have breast cancer, how do you not stress and stay confident if you do or dont have it

  • Hey, I don't think anyone can tell you how to stay confident and not stress hun, it's a state of mind.... I've just been able to get on with things but I know many people can withdraw into themselves.  It's a really scary time and having a friend to talk to can really help, but you need to get on to your doctors, put your foot down.... go to the practice to make the appointment if need be!  How does your lump feel? Is it hard or soft and can you move it? My lump was completely painless.




    Hi 23...smg.

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear about your symptoms. Have you told your GP's receptionist why you need an urgent appointment? If you do this, as soon as you mention a growing lump, you should be seen quickly. The word 'urgent' often terrifies people, but this is normal in this sort of situation. One hopeful sign is that breast pain doesn't usually accompany breast cancer. Most are completely painless.

    If your doctor is at all suspicious you will be referred to the breast clinic. This is usually done within 2 weeks. Even this is nothing to panic about as only 1 person in every 8 referred will get a cancer diagnosis. Can I ask what age you are and how old your son is?

    I sincerely hope that there is a simpler solution to these changes. Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Lynsey, thanks very much this forum has helped a little of my worries and stress, the lump is hard and doesnt move, it has gotten bigger recently so hoping the doctor will fit me in asap, I afraid over my age they will fob me off and not take it serious. Thank you for responding x

  • Hi Jolamine, thank you for responding, my doctor surgery is terrible at answering the phone at all but today is my mission to get an appointment with them no matter what! I am trying to stay positive but it's a bit hard, single parent living alone with my son so trying not to panic so i can still focus on looking after him, thank you so much for all the information 

     I am 23 years and my son is 5 years 



    Hi 23..smg,

    I hope that you managed to get through to your GP today and that you now have an appointment. At 23, you are right that your GP might try to dismiss you because of your age, but don't be fobbed off, because although cancer is rare in people of your age, it can and does happen. I asked the age of your son, because I thought that if he was younger, this might have been hormonal, but I doubt this if he is 5.

    Not all lumps are cancerous and many younger people are diagnosed with benign cysts or fibrous tissue. Let's hope that it is something like this that is your problem. It must be particularly hard being on your own in this situation and you are naturally worried for your son's future milestones.

    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 12 years and felt like this about my teenage children when I was first diagnosed. I had lost my mum to cancer and was convinced that the same would happen to me. Since then I have seen them both leave school, go to university, graduate, find gainful employment, marry and have families of their own. Breast cancer is now one of the most treatable forms of cancer.

    Here's hoping for good news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • So had my check up today and my gp said the lump is a little over 1cm and sending me for an ultrasound, happy that I went and the doctor was very helpful and positive!

    Thank yous for your advice 


    Hi 23..smg,

    I am glad to hear that you managed to see your GP today and  that the doctor was very helpful and positive.  It is good that s/he has referred you for an ultrasound, as this is the only way that you can lay your mind to rest.

    Please kee in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx