Hello, im 26, no smoking & no drinking at all. I've had this really hard bump with bony feeling on my hardpalate that popped out, out of nowhere, first day i noticed it was last monday, it doesn't hurt or anything unless i press it hard with my finger of course (i don't know if it's related but sometimes i get this wave of earaches that go away, it feels stuffed sometimes, but the pain is not unbearable it's 1 out of 10 barely on a scale of 10, i don't have trouble eating either.. Can it go by itself?
I called the doc he told me that it might be an infection, but ive never seen a painless infection. He also told me that it couldve been something hot i ate or drunk that caused it. He also said to wait and see how its gonna develop in the upcoming 7 days.
You know how you google these things and it tells you that you're going to die.. it keeps feeding my anxiety and hypocondria, and it's killing me, please help :cry: