I am female in my early 30s. last week I found a lump in my pec muscle in the outer top area of my breast. I am an upper body athlete so have quite a lot of muscle in this area (and not a huge amount of breast!). I can only feel the lump when I press down on it from a certain direction. it doesn't hurt or feel like a muscle knot normally would. I got my physio to check and she said it woood be best get it checked out by my GP. I have monitored it for a week and it hasn't changed. I've noticed my left breast is larger than my right and feels a bit heavy.
I spoke to my gp and they asked me to wait a month and come in for as assessment if it is still there. I just wondered if this is normal?
I have a family history of breast cancer (mother and grandmother, same side of the family, both post menopausal when diagnosed) and had a close friend pass away from it. Therefore I am finding it hard contemplating waiting a month as I am quite anxious about it.