Lump in pec muscle


I am female in my early 30s. last week I found a lump in my pec muscle in the outer top area of my breast. I am an upper body athlete so have quite a lot of muscle in this area (and not a huge amount of breast!). I can only feel the lump when I press down on it from a certain direction.  it doesn't hurt or feel like a muscle knot normally would. I got my physio to check and she said it woood be best get it checked out by my GP. I have monitored it for a week and it hasn't changed. I've noticed my left breast is larger than my right and feels a bit heavy. 

I spoke to my gp and they asked me to wait a month and come in for as assessment if it is still there. I just wondered if this is normal? 

I have a family history of breast cancer (mother and grandmother, same side of the family, both post menopausal when diagnosed) and had a close friend pass away from it. Therefore I am finding it hard contemplating waiting a month as I am quite anxious about it. 


  • Hello Nightowl21

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently found a lump. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious but it's good to know that you've already spoken with your GP. 

    We do have many women post here who have been initially asked by their GP to wait for a few weeks to see if things change. This is because some lumps can change during a woman's menstrual cycle. 

    We know it can be really difficult and if you are struggling with anxiety about things then I'd suggest getting back in touch with your GP and asking for an appointment to be arranged sooner. 

    It might help to keep in mind that the majority of women who find lumps and are referred to breast clinic are not diagnosed with cancer so try to take each day as it comes and stay positive. 

    If you'd like to talk to one o four nurses for some advice and support you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator