Swelling along jawline


I noticed a swelling along my jawline on Wed. The day before I'd noticed a small swelling on my salivary gland. Dr has prescribed antibiotics but does want to see me on Monday. Logic tells me it's most likely to be an infection, bacterial or viral but worried as medication I'm on to keep my autoimmune disease in remission can cause lymphoma in the long-term although don't have any other symptoms. Dr I spoke to on Wednesday is going to refer me to ENT and for an ultrasound. 

I have extreme health anxiety. I spent 5 1/2 months in hospital after suffering 2 cardiac arrests due to kidney disease which is currently stage 4 and may need a kidney transplant.

I also have a brain injury due to lack of oxygen following the cardiac arrests.

Also had a mammogram yesterday, the mammographer had trouble positioning me I think because I have  some restricted movement in my neck and said she would put on notes best possible pictures so worried about  a recall for further tests.

Sorry for the long post