Positive FIT test and raised ESR

Hi all,


I'm 35 and recently went to my GP because I've had on and off blood in my stools for over a year now. I became pregnant last year and told doctors about this but nothing came of it. So I went back to my GP because I had noticed it again and she did blood tests and FIT test. All my bloods were fine apart from my ESR which was slightly elevated at 30. Today my FIT test came back with a result of 325 and I am sat at home with my 10 month old crying. I have no other symptoms. My stools aren't black just mixed or streaked with blood. No tummy pains or weight loss. Only bloating around my period which is normal for me.

my GP had referred me to a consultant surgeon anyway before my results came back as it has been going on for a while. My first appointment is on the 21st. To say I am scared is an understatement. I've got two young children, the eldest is particularly close to me and I'm so scared of leaving them. I'm an absolute state today. I wish I had gone to the GP earlier but I've been too busy to even think about it and now ok regretting it massively. I am convinced I have bowel cancer and I can't shake off the anxiety.

Has anyone had any experience similar to this?

I feel like I can't talk to anyone at the moment because my mum suffers from anxiety and I don't want to worry my husband.

  • So it hasn't taken long for my positivity to go out the window. I've found out my FIT test result was 171! Wish I hadn't bothered asking now x

  • I spoke to my GP this morning and she doesn't seem to think I have cancer so she has made me feel a bit better today and that's with a FIT of over 300. Ofc she can't be sure but I think there's definitely more chance of it being something else than cancer. Stay positive! I've seen lots of posts of people with high FIT tests who had other things going on, someone even had haemmorhoids that were missed and only seen on a colonoscopy x

  • Thank you for your support. Don't know how I'd be without this forum x

  • Hi all,


    my GP rang this morning to say my Calprotectin is slightly raised at around 120 (can't remember the number it's a bit of a blur). She said that this points to inflammation of the bowel and IBD but a camera needs to be done to rule out anything more sinister and a biopsy for a difinitive diagnosis. I think she was trying to make me feel better but actually now I'm worried I still may have cancer and anything inflammatory seems like a best option now. I haven't stopped crying since I spoke to her. I have no idea if there is a relationship with calprotectin and cancer but she said because it's been going on for so long and symptoms have been coming and going that it's pointing towards inflammatory bowel disease. I've also read that dairy intolerance is also a pointing factor which is something I've had an issue with on and off for about 20 years.

    sorry for the wall of text I'm just a bit of a state right now

  • Hi gemstar8,


    how did you get on on Friday? I hope you're ok

  • Hi, 

    so my colonoscopy has been done, they found 2 polyps which they removed and they took a biopsy of my colon to be tested, just need to wait and see x


    thanks for asking, how are you doing

  • Hi gemstar8,


    that's good news! Hopefully the result will come back ok! How are you feeling about it all? Do you feel a bit at ease now? Hopefully your symptoms will get better soon.


    im ok, my symptoms are the same. I have faecal calprotectin in my stools so definitely something inflammatory going on! Can only wait on the colonoscopy to find out I guess but I'm dreading every toilet trip

  • Hopefully the blood will stop but I'm not to sure how it would be changing my stools? They seems happy with the colonoscopy and said they don't think it's cancer but need confirmation from the biopsies taken but it has helped to put my mind at rest a little.


    how long do you think it will be until your colonoscopy?

  • Hi,


    thought I had replied to this!


    my appointment has been moved to Thursday and then I guess I will have to wait for my colonoscopy appointment after that.


    feeling lots of mixed emotions at the moment. Feel fine and blood in my stool seems to have eased off for the past 3 days. However, this has happened before and it's the main reason why I didn't get it seen to sooner because I convinced myself I had a haemorrhoid as I would go weeks and months without any sign of blood so I'm sure it will return. Hopefully your results have come back with good news? How long did it take you to get your colonoscopy appointment?


    Hope everyone is doing ok x

  • Hi apparently the results can take up to 4 weeks so I'm hoping that's a positive sign if it was more serious they would let me know sooner with regards to the colonoscopy it took two weeks as I was put under the emergency two week wait.

    I couldn't even see any blood in my stalls it was only because my iron levels are so low they decided to do a fit test