Positive FIT test and raised ESR

Hi all,


I'm 35 and recently went to my GP because I've had on and off blood in my stools for over a year now. I became pregnant last year and told doctors about this but nothing came of it. So I went back to my GP because I had noticed it again and she did blood tests and FIT test. All my bloods were fine apart from my ESR which was slightly elevated at 30. Today my FIT test came back with a result of 325 and I am sat at home with my 10 month old crying. I have no other symptoms. My stools aren't black just mixed or streaked with blood. No tummy pains or weight loss. Only bloating around my period which is normal for me.

my GP had referred me to a consultant surgeon anyway before my results came back as it has been going on for a while. My first appointment is on the 21st. To say I am scared is an understatement. I've got two young children, the eldest is particularly close to me and I'm so scared of leaving them. I'm an absolute state today. I wish I had gone to the GP earlier but I've been too busy to even think about it and now ok regretting it massively. I am convinced I have bowel cancer and I can't shake off the anxiety.

Has anyone had any experience similar to this?

I feel like I can't talk to anyone at the moment because my mum suffers from anxiety and I don't want to worry my husband.

  • My heart goes out to you. I have also had a positive FIT test yesterday so I'm awaiting the appointment for a scope. I only have left sided abdominal pain for past 8 weeks. Family history of bowel cancer, so feeling petrified. I'm hoping you get your appointment soon and your mind put at ease x

  • Sorry to hear that wanderer, I hope it comes through soon for you too!


    im just so perplexed that I can otherwise feel fine and be facing a cancer diagnosis. It's so scary. Now every time I go to the toilet anxiety just comes over me... that doesn't help my tummy either tbh! It's a long wait now isn't it? I'm finding some days I feel fine and usually those are days where I see little or no blood in my stools. The days like today where I saw quite a bit is really difficult.

    please let me know how you get on x 

  • Hi Laisc,

    It's understandable that your symptoms must be very concerning, but you're doing the right thing getting it checked out.
    I just wanted to offer some reassurance that cancer is a possibility, but it's probably the least likely one. There are other conditions that cause blood in your stool other than cancer, such as inflammatory bowel disease (crohns disease and ulcerative colitis)

    Best Wishes,


  • Hi Rich,


    thank you for your kind words

    I'm trying to stay positive and hope it's nothing sinister. There is a family member with IBD on my mums side of the family but my Nan also had bowel cancer but in her 80's!


    my family member had uncontrollable bowel openings and pain but I just don't have anything. I can't stop thinking about it over and over. 

    has anyone else been referred to a consultant surgeon first? I think I've been sent to a private company so is that just how it works in the private sector?

  • There will be differences from Trust to Trust in how each service is ran, and Consultant Surgeons in most hospitals will also perform colonoscopies, so this doesn't necessarily mean you will need surgery at some point.

    Many hospitals will send patients to private clinics, it's a way to help them stick to their targets if they have trouble fitting in all their work.

    As we get older our risk of cancer increases anyway, so your Nan being in her 80s when she was diagnosed is less likely to be related to a genetic predisposition to bowel cancer.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi I am in a similar situation my fit test has come back at 183 although I have been having tummy pains and changing my stalls for quite awhile I have a colonoscopy booked for this Friday so I'm praying everything will be okay I also have two young children my grandad died of bowel cancer but again he was old but my daughter also had cancer when she was seven months old so it's far too close to home

  • Thanks Rich that makes sense 

    gemstar8 I can't even imagine what that must have been like for you, I hope your daughter is well now x

    I can imagine that you are probably thinking the worst as I am and I should probably take my own advice here when I say that cancer is very much the least likely diagnosis sp stay positive and so let's hope we both come out clear of this for our kids sakes. I'm always here if you or anyone else reading this wants to talk! We can get through this as much as the lows are very low we really don't know anything yet so let's try and be positive  

    p.s can you tell I've had a sneaky gin to ease my worries? Xx

  • I've got one side of my brain telling me to keep

    positive, look at the statistics etc. But the other side is just in full panic mode as due to the left sided abdo pain (and mild left back pain), I just know something isn't right, which is giving me very dark thoughts. Thankfully when they scope they can tell me what they see, rather than another wait for results. X

  • @Wanderer1970 yes I'm the same. I've woken up feeling much more positive even though I have had blood in my stools again. It's very strange how much of a rollercoaster I'm on right now. Just have to keep telling myself that I could be making something out of nothing and keep hoping that I will be ok

  • Positivity is the key!  I'm going to chase up my appointment today as the last time they were referring me for a scan.. I waited 4 months for an appointment and they'd not done it. I'll feel better once I've spoken to them this morning. We are all one day closer to our appointments and peace of mind.  Have a good day everyone xxx