Swollen lymph nodes and thyroid nodule

Looking for some advice , I've recently had the results of an ultrasound scan which has showed a ? Swollen lymph node and a nodule on my thyroid I'm so upset and don't want to die please help 

  • It is very unlikely you are at any real risk of dying. Thyroid nodules are very common and most are benign. I don't know whether or not a swollen lymph node in any way increases the risk of malignancy.

    However, even if it IS cancer and most thyroid nodules are not (like, at least 80% are benign), most forms of thyroid cancer have very high survival rates. The most common form, papillary thyroid cancer, has a survival rate pretty close to 100%, especially for younger patients, where younger means under about 45. Also, unlike many other types of cancer, the invovlement of lymph nodes in thyroid cancer doesn't really affect the prognosis. It increases the risk of reccurance, but doesn't have much impact, if any, on the survival rate.

    I had thyroid cancer over a year ago and basically, they removed my thyroid and I am absolutely fine. The worst part about it was probably the worry because you can't help worrying that you will be that one for whom it is more serious.

    Feel free to ask if you want to know more about my experience. On the whole, it wasn't really that major or dramatic. Not something I would choose to go through, obviously, but I was back at work and carrying on with my life as normal a month after the operation.

  • Thanks for your reply :-) it has somewhat reassured me the part that has panicked me is that they gp feels the nodule on my thyroid is responsible for the swollen lymph node as there is no other reason it would be swollen


    How did you feel before your diagnosis I felt okay I had the scan for another reason on the otherwise of my neck but that's gone now

  • I felt absolutely fine before my diagnosis. I was literally just at the GP's for a completely different (and pretty routine) reason and he pointed out that there was a cyst on my neck that should be investigated.

    I hope you get good news and it turns out to be completely benign, but even if it does turn out to be cancer, I've read that thyroid cancer really is the well, least worst option in terms of cancer.

  • Thank you I'm glad your okay x it's just the not knowing it's dreadfull and I know I shouldn't but I goggled it and well that just makes everything 10x worse hopefully my appointment will be soon 


    What happened at your first appointment x

  • After the ultrasound results, I was sent for a biopsy. I had an appointment with the endocrinologist where he examined it and confirmed there was a nodule there and that I would need a biopsy. I asked when that would be done and he said it could be done immediately, but would not necessarily be accurate so might have to be redone if it was inconclusive.

    I went across to the hospital, which was pretty much across the road and had it done. It was basically like having a needle stuck into your neck. Stung a bit but only while it was taking place. I then went back to work and had an appointment the following week to get results.