Hpv positive result also have hsv2

Im 31, no children and recently  had my results from my smear test, and i am HPV postive with normal cells. Didn't really know much about hpv other than it can course cervical cancer. Obviously ended up doing lots of google research probably not the best idea. And it suddenly dawned on me that i also have hsv 2 (herpes) i was diagnosed 6 years ago after an ex partner was unfaithful. I don't have many outbreaks so i had forgotten about it to be honest. Been with my current partner 4 years so not sure when i have picked hpv up.  I have read two articles that state that having hpv and hsv2 makes you 3 times more likely to develop invasive cervical cancer. I have spent the last few days crying all day as I can't stop thinking about it. I don't inow what to do or how true it is, if i should be worried :(

  • Hey, 

    I feel ok, I'm not majorly worried, but i did have some pain recently so i am going to call my gp next week to see if it should be investigated. Yeh definitely my cells are normal so thats the main thing so I'm trying not to worry too much. 

    Ahh really, I will read up on that my self, i do take a few vitamins now for immune systems and skin and hair etc but i will read up on that one thanks! Well fingers crossed for February for you!!


    My mum also had abnormal cells at one point and shes absolutely fine too, glad to hear your mum is :)

    Well i lost 3 stone last year so my bmi is now 25, before that i was pretty unhealthy, never been a big eater but tended to eat the wrong foods so I'm alot healthier now, not sure if that has an impact but got to be better if your over all health is better i suppose! 

    No problem at all :) xx



  • Hello, 

    I also have HPV and HSV2, I just stumbled upon this conversation which I felt I needed to be part of as I haven't told anyone that I have the two, which to this day I still feel embarrassed about.

    I'm 31 now and was diagnosed with both in my early twenties, one due to a cheating ex and the other I'm not sure of. 

    I haven't had an outbreak of HSV2 since I was diagnosed at 23, so I forget about it. However, I too googled having the two and saw the increased chance of cervical cancer which really worried me.

    I think I want children too so now I'm paranoid that may not happen... I also have a partner of 6 years who doesn't have HSV2, but does have standard HSV1.

    I thought I would reach out to speak to people who understand.

    I hope you're doing well. X

  • Hello,

    I just stumbled on this forum too and I need to tell someone as I am being eaten up with shame.

    I am 57 years old and 2 years ago I had my usual smear test and the results were hpv positive but no abnormal cells. My husband and I got together 35 years ago and soon after we both got the hpv virus and the genital warts. I had a colposcopy and my husband got treated and since then - I have had normal 3 yearly smear tests. 
    I was shocked to know that hpv can lie dormant for over 30 years but my screening letter said that no further action needed and I was to have a follow up test in a years time. I had another positive hpv but no abnormal cells result in April this year and again no further action needed and I have to wait another year for another test. For a few months now I have had some discharge and pains in my groin. I stopped having periods when I was 46 so I think I'm well past my menopause. I have been worried that something doesn't feel quite right but kept putting off contacting my GP because I didn't want to waste anyones time and I'm still embarrassed about having hpv. Anyway, I noticed some sore patches around my vagina and I thought they might be the beginnings of the warts you sometimes get with hpv so I went to see a GP yesterday. She said that I have herpes, took a swab and gave me a prescription for something that I haven't picked up yet as I'm still in shock. I can't believe I have herpes as neither myself or my husband have ever had any symptoms in the 35 years we've been together or before. The GP explained that herpes can lie dormant the same as hpv. 
    After googling hpv and hsv - I am now quite worried that I have an increased risk of cancer. My GP didn't seem bothered about my groin pain and unusual discharge. She seemed to think they are symptoms of herpes and didn't seem interested that I have hpv. I'm not sure what to do now. I am going to take whatever treatment she's given me for herpes and hope that clears up the sore spots and hopefully the pain in the groin. Does anyone know if I have a hpv positive test next year - will they give me a closer examination or do I just keep having yearly smear tests? Also - how to do you find out what strain of hpv you have? My GP said my notes didn't say. I should have asked her loads of questions but I just felt so numb.

    I just want to add (as you were hoping to have children) that I have had hpv and possibly hsv lying dormant for over 30 years and in that time I have had 2 healthy children - now healthy adults, so please don't worry.

    Devonmum x





  • Hi Worried89,

    I have HSV2 and also found out in March 2022 that I was also HPV Positive ! Like you, I kept typing things into Google and found lots of worrying information.  However I went for another smear after 12 months in March 2023 and I am now HPV Negative!! This is evidence that you can clear HPV even if you also have HSV2 xx 

  • I caught genital warts and Herpes 1 from his cold sore on his mouth through oral sex and also HPV all from one partner I had in my twenties. How naive I was then. It took 10 years to get rid of these genital warts, non stop going to the GUM clinic to get them frozen off. I think I get a herpes spot near my anus area and put Zovirax on, it always comes when I’m stressed, I had a Leep procedure in my twenties. Then 30 years clear results and now I’m HPV positive with low grade changes. Had another leep but still HPV positive with low grade changes so the Leep didn’t work, so I just give up now. To be honest psychologically it’s put me off sex for life because it’s caused me so many problems. I shouldn’t feel like this but that’s how I feel :(

  • Hey! Not sure if this will come through but did you have to have another one 12 months later ir back to 3 years? Did you do anything to boost your immune system? X

  • Hello, I just wondered what your results were aftee the 2nd 3rd smear a year later? Did you get clear of hpv. Ive got both and very anxious. Really worried got severe anxiety and not sure how i wjll cope a year on. Ive read the worst online and it tells me i could never clear hpv and if it dosent go basically ill get cancer. 

    Loosing my mind 

  • Hi, I'm In a similar situation now, did your hpv ever go away  

  • Oh im sorry, I'm in a terrible state about it. A years wait to retest is a lot mentally.