Positive fit test - freaking out!!

I've always struggled with constipation and have never had a 'regular pattern' but over the last month or so things noticably changed in that I felt like I needed to go to the toilet but nothing would come and when I did manage to go there was a lot of mucus tangled up in my poop and I was passing mucus. I upped my fluids and fruit and veg putting it down to dehydration and not enough fibre but when that didn't clear it up I called the doctor. She asked me to do a faecal sample and made a follow up appointment for a week, at that appointment the doctor said that my first sample didn't show infection but she felt my tummy and internally and said she couldn't feel any lumps or anything sinister but she asked me to do another scoop sample and the fit test plus blood tests. 
yesterday I was out with a friend when my GP called to say both tests had come back as abnormal. I went into complete shock and didn't ask any questions because I was in a public place but now I'm completely freaking out and don't know if she meant my poop and blood tests were both abnormal or both poop tests. I've been put on a 2 week pathway for a colonoscopy but I'm falling to pieces with anxiety. The less sinister possibilities of Chrons or colitis both seem to come with diorreah and I haven't had that. 
has anyone experienced anything similar?

  • Hi NellaNicole,

    I'm sorry to hear of your worries, I can imagine it must have been unsettling to hear this and I'm sure the uncertainty is difficult.

    If you feel you're really struggling, you could always call your doctor back to get some clarification or ask any questions you have. Alternatively, you could make a note of your questions/concerns and take them with you when you get your appointment.

    If you feel you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5, excluding bank holidays).

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi

    Sorry you are going through this hell. 

    The not knowing is just awful.

    I've been there, through the whole bowel cancer and come out the other side.

    The fit test is very good at finding a tiny trace of blood so then it becomes a positive test, even a pile/fissure that happens to be bleeding at the time.

    Please don't google, although you probably have already. Will make your anxiety so bad and usually convinces you cancer is the only thing it could be, I've been there many times.

    It's good that you have been referred on the 2 week, if cancer is a slight possibility they have to do this and a colonoscopy will find the problem. You should get the results on the day.

    No good me saying don't worry because I am the worst for worrying when something isn't right but there are other things that can be causing your symptoms.

    Have you any other symptoms?

    Let me know how you get on, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x

  • Thanks for replying, you're right the not knowing is awful. I just completely froze when the doctor called me on Friday and just wanted to get her off the phone but that was the wrong decision as I've had the most awful weekend just worrying. 
    I don't have any other symptoms other than excessive mucus and constipation but I've always been on the constipated sides 

    I've no noticeable blood or diarrhoea. 

    I have been referred for two endoscopies in the past due to digestive issues and that picked up a hiatus hernia but I don't think that would cause blood in poop? 

    it's reassuring to hear that you have coped with this process and are here to tell the tale. Thank you for your reply I really appreciate it x

  • Also focus on the fact that you have no other symptoms.

    I would make a list and ring your GP tomorrow to get some answers.

    Keep me posted x

  • Hi [@Ineedabreak]‍ 

    I have been for my colonoscopy today, I opted for sedation and they gave me gas and air so I don't remember much about it including what the consultant said!! The only thing I remember is her saying there were no lumps or polyps but she took several biopsies as there was signs of inflammation in parts of my bowel. I'm not sure what to make of any of this (maybe I'm still a bit high ‍♀️) 

    Another wait for the biopsy results I guess 

  • Hi

    That sounds like good news to me.

    They can see cancer there and then and will tell you.

    Most times they take biopsies.

    More waiting but easier knowing it's nothing very bad. 

    Let me know how you go xx