Cin 2 pre cancerous cells in cervix but in glands.



I had a smear and then was sent for a biopsy.

The biopsy came back as I had pre cancerous cells in my glands of the cervix and have to go for a LLETZ Loop treatment 


Has anyone had this before? I've only had my second baby 6 months ago and I'm scared


  • Hi my daughter who has 2 babies had this in february diagnosed by biopsy . It was successfully removed with the lletz treatment . She will be seen again 6 months after in colposcopy again and as the cells were higher up she will be monitored over several years which is reassuring . Cells higher up cgin are more difficult to see but are treatable . You will be seen quickly . I was more worried than she was due to her not having time to worry ! Lletz is very common and very successful i work with a small team of people and just talking through this 4 of them had this in the past . Keep busy you will be in very good hands x

  • Thankyou for replying!


    That's made me feel alot better x