I was wondering if anyone has any wise words or been in similar situation...
I'm 24 weeks pregnant and since week 18 have had bad diarrhoea, going to the toilet 3-5 times a day.. doctors checked for infection which came back normal. But since the problem has continued doctor tested calprotectin level which came back over 400.. I have been referred to GI department and they might do colonoscopy.... i had bleeding with stool early pregnancy, this happened twice and then stopped. Calprotectin was then normal but within 10 weeks has gone to 400+.. has anyones been in similar situation? I'm worried it would be cancer or affect the baby.
I've had gut problems since I was in my early 20s, I'm now 37. And I have been tested for chrons etc 4 years ago but all came back normal. What are the chances I would have developed IBD in the 4 years or would cancer be more likely?? I'm very worried and stressed which isn't great.... has anyone been in a similar situation????