Hya I'm waiting on 2 week referral for a colonoscopy I've had up and down stools for 4 months I rang the go yesterday regarding this and he said he would do a referral to see what the cause maybe I was ok with this as I had not had any bleeding or pain and today low and behold I found blood in my stools my anxiety is through the roof I contacted my gp again who said go to A&E as I was told last year I had diverticulitis after a scan for GERD I also had H Pylori which I had mediation for 2 times when I got to A&E I was sent to ASU where I was given an examination and small camara inserted the consultant said he could see some small amount of blood but also motion so referred me for the colonoscopy I am so scared my anxiety is working overdrive I've not slept properly for days as I was getting more concerned about my stools anyway but now blood has made me go into overdrive of anxiety please help