Post menopausal bleeding


At 57 i have a history of heavy periods, or so i  thought! Had a hysteroscopy, d&c, and was fitted for mirena coil about 8 yrs ago and for the 5 years i had the coil i had no bleeds and no problems. Once that came out i was back to square one, bleeding heavily and clotting every 6 weeks. My Gp referred me to gynea who did a number of transvaginal scans and a couple of d&cs in the past years but covid meant a lot of cancelled clinics. Anyways, following another transvaginal ultrasound in jan i i was referred to see a Gynacological oncologist. He did a d&c and hysterascope, and told me i had fibroids and a large polyp that he couldnt fully remove, and that i i was pass the menopause. Thankfully those tests came back clear, but due to bleeding and fibroids i i needed a hysterectomy. Had that 5 weeks ago, but when i rang for results i i was told my case is being discussed at an MDT meeting this week and i have an appointment to come in after that. im wondering what they may have found in pathology that the d&c didnt show, or perhaps an MDT meeting is routine - although i do know of others in hospital with me who just got a call to say everything came back clear. Anyone else had a diagnosis after a clear d&c? Thanks for reading. 

  • Hi Carr62,

    It sounds like you've been through a lot recently and I can understand your concerns and questions. Unfortunately I'm not able to advise on your situation or how common it is, but I hope it's not too long for you to wait to find out more.

    In the meantime if there are others here with similar experience to share then hopefully they'll be along soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator