just wanting other people's experience when having a MRI if they find anything bad how quickly do they usually contact you to discuss?
just wanting other people's experience when having a MRI if they find anything bad how quickly do they usually contact you to discuss?
In my personal experience, I had an MRI on a saturday, something was detected on that scan so I was contacted the following day at 9am and asked if I could attend the hospital for another MRI for further imaging to be obtained of whatever they were concerned about. Literally as soon as I was finished with the rescan I was told to go down the corridor to have a X-ray for further scanning. Once that was finished I was told to go straight to my GP the following day as soon as my surgery opens to discuss the findings. So from my experience when it's something bad they don't delay in contacting you immediately.
I had the same thing with a ultrasound in December they found six growths on my liver I was called the next day to arrange a urgent reffwral for MRI I had the MRI and it took ten days for results in the post that said likely benign. I had a follow up MRI on Saturday and was just thinking if anything changed and they thought it was serious would they have me waiting long but I thought they would contract me ASAP if it was x
Obviously I don't know what the doctors timespan is for urgent cases but I'm fairly certain that they would of contacted you by now if it were urgent, going on my previous experience. Good luck, I hope its good news.
Still waiting for MRI results it's being ten days rang the secetary today and she said the report had just gone back and she would speak to consultant and see what he's wanting to do obviously she can't decide nothing until he's looked at this. Don't know what to think getting scared.
I chased my results three weeks after. They advised me my results have being reviewed and I will have a telephone consultation on the 18th may that's one month from the mri is this a normal timescale if anything serious is found and over the phone? It took 9 days for radiologist to actually send the results over to consultant and then him another three weeks to arrange the phone call. Last time I had letter advising of the results and a call a around 2 months after to arrange follow up mri. Just scared with it being different this time and him telling me over phone and not letter x
I would think it's reassuring. My son had to have a brain mri as a baby i was a nervous wreck and they gave me an appointment a month away all this to say he was totally fine (which is obviously great but wish they didn't wait a month to tell me).
If they had spotted something sinister they would not give you an appointment so late i believe but of course i don't know how it all works - i do believe there are timelines that doctors must try to meet with cancer diagnosis so it goes fast when they spot it. Someone i know had an mri for brain tumour and was called the same afternoon as she did the scan as it was positive
thank you for your reply I was originally back in December sent on a two week urgent referral where I had the mri and was confirmed tumours on my liver are likely benign this was done by letter then around two months later I had the follow up phone call just to arrange the next mri which is the one I had on the 17th April I'm not going to get my results till the 18th may so I suppose if there was any changes or anything serious they would have being in contact a lot sooner but the radiologist took 9 days to send the results to consultant then after he reviewed it he's not giving me an appointment till three weeks after he had so I should imagine if it was serious the appointment would be ASAP not three weeks after he reviewed them just worried with it being over the phone and not a letter like last time xxx
I wouldn't read into that for my son they gave me an in person appointment so i was so worried and they just said all looks fine. They just wanted to discuss follow up care and discharge him from care at this point (pretty much just said all looks normal and that we shouldn't need any more tests now but that if any new symptoms appeared or if i had worries about his vomiting i could contact the paediatrician and they gave me a number)
So they may just not want to let you down by just sending a letter and not addressing your concerns or answer questions etc. It could also be they say all is looking benign but they'd like to do a follow up scan in 6 months or a year to be sure. In a nutshell, phone appointment does not equal bad news, most likely a couple point they want to go through with you
Thank you. When I was sent on the refferal they did say if it was confirmed to be fnh on the liver I would be discharged back to my doctors and the mri results said likely benign and fnh so like you say he may be discussing discharging me and if I have any further questions. She did say over the phone he's going to call me to discuss the results and next steps ect so hopefully nothing too worrying but it's being a month so o doubt it would be anything too bad. Xxx