Hi All,
I never really write on things like this but thought I would share my experience.
I was passing blood and mucus so got put onto a 2 week suspected cancer referral. The doctor said I wasn't a high risk because of my age (28) and expected inflammation (maybe colitis/Crohn's). I had no other symptoms, no abdominal cramps etc.
I got the date of my colonoscopy through and spent from that date to it happening (yesterday) anxious and scared. I'd get upset randomly and considered cancelling it but knew it wasn't worth the risk. I also live alone and had told a very limited amount of people about it so I was struggling to process it all. I had read posts online and spoken to one friend who had experience with a colonoscopy, who encouraged me to have sedation.
I started the diet a day earlier than I needed to and didn't find this an issue. I had Moviprep as my prep (7pm and 6am) and although it wouldn't be my drink of choice, it was absolutely bareable and I managed to finish each litre in around an hour/just over. It was quite immediate and I went to the toilet upon finishing. My colonoscopy appointment was at 3pm.
I arrived at the hospital and was taken to get changed and sign consent etc. I opted for sedation so had a cannula put in. I went a little funny after this, which has happened to me before (blood sugar goes a bit low) so had to sit by the fan and that was probably the worst bit!
I went to the examination room and was met by two nurses and a medical student (they checked with me it was okay for the student to stay). The nurses were great and got me in position. The doctor then arrived, asked me why they were doing the colonoscopy and gave me the sedation/painkillers. I was completely with it during the whole thing and didn't feel any effect of the sedation. I chatted throughout and watched the screen. There was very slight discomfort here and there and was over so quickly. The nurse said it lasted about 15 minutes but it felt like 5 minutes.
The results were clear but routine biopsies were taken so I just have to wait for those results.
I was taken to recovery and told they would sit me up in 15 minutes (I could've there and then but I waited to do as I was told). 15 minutes later, they sat me up, brought me tea and biscuits and called my escort to collect me. Half an hour later, I was getting dressed and leaving. So from being admitted around 3pm, I was discharged around 5:10pm. I felt completely fine returning home however I'm still following the rules e.g. no driving etc. For 24 hours. I appreciate that everyone may respond differently to the drugs.
I just cannot believe the mental side I have put myself through this last week or so, constant anxiety and upset for something that ran so smoothly. I have seen many horror stories since getting back (avoided them before going) and felt the importance of sharing my story even if it just reassures one person. I'd even contemplated not having sedation incase I felt funny with it or had to stay in longer but glad I did, even if it was just a psychological thing as I felt not physical effects.
I appreciate that everyone is different and my colon being clear maybe helped the fact it wasn't painful but I feel like people would be so quick to share a bad experience but maybe not a good one. I had a short colposcopy a few years ago and that was worse (and that wasn't bad!).
There really is no point in saying don't worry because of course you will but I really hope that helps at least someone!
Now I'm just looking forward to being allowed a wine tonight and hoping the biopsies come back okay!