In early November last year I was ill. I had diarrhoea overnight on a Monday that turned into passing pure blood. I rang 111 and went to A&E they thought that I'd suffered an internal tear.
By Wednesday I still felt incredibly ill, I was delirious I had stomach cramps so bad I couldn't even get dressed by myself. I phoned the doctors. Long story short I gave in a stool sample and bloods were taken. The readings were extremely high 1056. I was booked in for a colonoscopy.
I was still ill after. I could barely eat. Still had cramps. It took until the week of Christmas to get my results that the colonoscopy was normal, they said it was a 'one of incident.' they did find internal hemorrhoids. That was that. A letter to my door saying I was fine but I didn't feel such.
I'm a scared anxious person, I'm 25 and I fear going to the doctors because I feel like they never take my issues seriously. Across Christmas and new year I was still ill, I had bouts of the stomach cramps, throwing up. I've peen passing mucus and blood still. But I haven't gone to the doctors because I'm scared they'll just tell me I'm fine, as that's what the colonoscopy said.
Today I've been to the toilet and passed a large lot of mucus with streaks of blood again. I'm tired, I can't eat properly, quite frankly I'm scared to - I'm terrified ill become that ill again. I used to weight 82/84kg, I'm now 70/1kg. I also saw weird things in my stool the other week, I was scared I had worms, but I realised I'd ate beansprouts. After googling it says that iif beansprouts are coming through whole and not digested then it is a sign that somethings wrong - but the colonoscopy said I was clear?
I think the weightloss is probably down to me being scared to eat, and eating less than before. But the mucus and blood, if I go to the doctors with that will they do anything?