Blood and mucus, losing weight, colonoscopy returned normal

In early November last year I was ill. I had diarrhoea overnight on a Monday that turned into passing pure blood. I rang 111 and went to A&E they thought that I'd suffered an internal tear.

By Wednesday I still felt incredibly ill, I was delirious I had stomach cramps so bad I couldn't even get dressed by myself. I phoned the doctors. Long story short I gave in a stool sample and bloods were taken. The readings were extremely high 1056. I was booked in for a colonoscopy.

I was still ill after. I could barely eat. Still had cramps. It took until the week of Christmas to get my results that the colonoscopy was normal, they said it was a 'one of incident.' they did find internal hemorrhoids. That was that. A letter to my door saying I was fine but I didn't feel such.

I'm a scared anxious person, I'm 25 and I fear going to the doctors because I feel like they never take my issues seriously. Across Christmas and new year I was still ill, I had bouts of the stomach cramps, throwing up. I've peen passing mucus and blood still. But I haven't gone to the doctors because I'm scared they'll just tell me I'm fine, as that's what the colonoscopy said.

Today I've been to the toilet and passed a large lot of mucus with streaks of blood again. I'm tired, I can't eat properly, quite frankly I'm scared to - I'm terrified ill become that ill again. I used to weight 82/84kg, I'm now 70/1kg. I also saw weird things in my stool the other week, I was scared I had worms, but I realised I'd ate beansprouts. After googling it says that iif beansprouts are coming through whole and not digested then it is a sign that somethings wrong - but the colonoscopy said I was clear?

I think the weightloss is probably down to me being scared to eat, and eating less than before. But the mucus and blood, if I go to the doctors with that will they do anything? 

  • Welcome to the forum Aquarius although I'm sorry to read what you've been going through since November. It sounds like it's been very challenging.

    As you've noticed changes in your stool again it would be best to book back in with your GP as they're the only ones who can help you figure out the cause. I know it can be off-putting when you feel like you're not being listened to or your needs are not being met but if you have more than one doctor at your GP surgery, you could try getting a second opinion. To find out more just click here.

    Some of our members have found writing things down in advance to be quite helpful so that's something else you could do before you speak with the GP. We have some tips on how to get the most out of a GP appointment just here as well.

    I hope this helps and you're able to get some answers and peace of mind soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator