Inconclusive lymph node biopsy

Hi ‍♀️ 

I am seeking advice for my best friend! She was diagnosed and treated for right kidney cancer early December 2020.  She had an uncomplicated nephrectomy end of January 21.  She has recently had a call back following a routine mammogram 2 weeks ago, which identified a suspicious lump in left axilla.  Biopsy is inconclusive and will be removed at the end of April 21.  The dr informs a 50/50 chance of lymphoma is this likely??

  • Hi Lisa and welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I'm sorry about the lump that was found during your best friend's mammogram and the biopsy was inconclusive. This must be a very anxious time for her, especially as they only finished treatment for kidney cancer a few months ago.

    Unfortunately no-one here can say whether lymphoma is likely but I and the rest of the community will have our fingers crossed this will not be the case.

    If you'd like to discuss this with our team of cancer nurses they'll be available next week on 0808 800 4040 between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Wishing your BF all the best with their op at the end of the month.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi

    thank you all for the warm welcome!  I completely understand we just have to wait! I think I just needed to reach out!! She's working/living in the Isle of Man and I'm in Manchester so it's very difficult not having that physical presence.  I'm a nurse myself and I just want to be with her and support her so much.