Highly suspicious lump

Hi all, I was seen in the breast clinic last week, had an ultrasound for what I thought was going to be a clear cut cyst, turns out its definitely not a cyst! Had a mammogram and a further spot mammogram a second ultrasound and 3 core biopsies. There was an area in the lymph nodes that needed biopsy but was too close to the blood vessel to put a needle in so that wasn't done. Doctor says it's highly suspicious and introduced me to the cancer care nurse who would support me through it all. I go back next week after the MDT for the results and a plan (if needed) - it didn't sound very promising. All I can think about is how am I going to tell my kids? I'm usually such a positive person and have dealt with my fair share of health issues in the past with no issue but I can't shake this feeling that this isn't going to be a happy follow up appointment. Any advice? 

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear you are going through this, I waited two weeks for my results and it's hell, it's almost a relief when they tell you and give you a plan. Try not to worry easier said than done I know. If it is not a good outcome they will help and support you and get it sorted.


    let us know how you get on xxx

  • Thank you for your reply, the wait is torture!! My appointment has come through and it's not until the 20th so more waiting. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm thinking of calling the breast care nurses whilst I wait- I think I may be reacting to the marker clip they left in me, is this even possible? I now have a very red, sore and quite itchy area of skin exactly where it would be which is getting bigger By the day.  

    How did you get on with your results? I hope you are doing ok 

  • Hi

    Yes definitely call them it may have caused an infection, I was told I had cancer they removed the lump and I had radio. That was nearly four years ago I go for yearly checks and on drugs for 10 years.


    chin up I know it's hard xxx


  • I just wanted to leave a message and say that I'm sorry to hear you are having such an anxious wait, I can't imagine how that feels. I am waiting for my first appointment at the breast clinic to come through and I am anxious enough, trying to convince myself the lump is just a cyst or else I will end up worries sick and not able to eat!


    I am like you, I just keep thinking of my kids. 

    Wishing you the best of luck for your results x

  • Thank you I will. I'm sorry you had to go through that but also in a strange way I feel oddly reassured that there is definitely hope that even if things do go badly there's still a future on the other side. Thank you for sharing your experience, it does help. 

  • Good luck with your appointment, I hope your wait isn't too long. The appointment itself in my experience although daunting was very efficient and the people were lovely. I was there for about 5.5 hours so take a book or something to occupy your mind. Covid restrictions meant I had to go alone which made it a very oddly eerie experience so if you are a thinker then having a good book to immerse yourself in for the in-between times whilst you are waiting will be very helpful. On the plus side though everything is done in one sitting and you will come out with a pretty good idea of what is going on. Keeping everything crossed for you and happy to keep you company through your journey x 

  • So I was seen on Friday following the MDT, I was diagnosed with a grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma. I had further biopsies on my lymph nodes and will have genic testing. As I'm 37 they want to treat aggressively so will give me chemo, surgery and radio just not sure of the order yet. The genic results will determine whether I have a double mastectomy and whether I keep my ovaries. So much to digest. Telling my children was the hardest thing I've ever done 

  • Hey

    l am soo sorry to hear your results news, how are the kids doing.

    you have this they will sort the treatment plan and whatever they need to do to get rid of then they will do it, your strong keep fighting and tell the cancer to F off!!!

    fingers crossed all goes well for you, I'm always here xxx

  • The kids took it surprisingly well, I was very honest with them and told them it was ok for them to feel whatever emotions they need to, we are all in this together and we will all go through this journey together. We are very close thankfully and they are quite good at talking about things (one good thing to come of these lockdowns) so we have done lots of that over the last couple of days. I can't alleviate all their fears but I can at least tell them the truth and share those fears with them. We are a strong unit and I know that we will get through whatever is to come. It all seems so surreal yet things are happening so quickly it is very real. It's such a weird experience. Also no one really prepares you for the reality of all this during a pandemic. It's all a bit crap really