Breast Clinic Referrals Glasgow

I have been referred to the Breast Clinic in Glasgow today after having a lump examined by my GP. I'm 10 weeks pregnant with a one year old son and worried sick but trying to stay positive. 

Just wondering if anyone had been referred in Glasgow recently? If so, what was the waiting time like? Did you have an ultrasound and biopsy at your first appointment? 

Thanks so much! 

  • Hello, 


    I'm really sorry I am only seeing this post now, I never log on here anymore. I really hope by now you know that your lump is nothing serious. Obviously if you have had bad news you can message me anytime. X

  • you were so lucky. Daughters work offered health check so it would have been private . Then after more scans she was told she needed a biopsy. Now that will be NHS so its a week on now.

  • I believe here in Scotland the NHS has a two week pathway, meaning you must not wait any longer than that for any scans or tests you may need. Obviously I don't know now if that remains the case as the waiting lists are sadly growing. She definitely won't wait much longer than that. I've everything crossed that it isn't serious, but if it is she will be very well looked after. I can't fault the treatment I've had and I'm doing well now. X