Breast Clinic Referrals Glasgow

I have been referred to the Breast Clinic in Glasgow today after having a lump examined by my GP. I'm 10 weeks pregnant with a one year old son and worried sick but trying to stay positive. 

Just wondering if anyone had been referred in Glasgow recently? If so, what was the waiting time like? Did you have an ultrasound and biopsy at your first appointment? 

Thanks so much! 

  • It is good to talk to someone going through the same thing, although it has been hanging over you for a lot longer. 

    Hopefully closure for us both this week. 

  • I hope everything went ok for you Daisy11. 

  • Hi


    thanks for checking in. Sadly it wasn't good news for me. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. I will be having a mastectomy next month and then I need to wait to know what further treatment I will need. I'm devastated, and frightened for my children. I wasn't sure whether or not to post bad news on here, but I was thinking of you yesterday and hope you will have a much better outcome than me. Xx

  • I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now but it sounds like they are acting quickly. There are so many successful treatments available - my husband works in this area. I know it won't be an easy path but hopefully the mastectomy, as devastating that it will be for you, will be enough and you won't need too much additional treatment. 

    I got a call offering me an NHS appt on Saturday so I decided to wait for that. 

  • That's good that the NHS are offering you a quicker appointment, hopefully you have nothing to worry about. 

    im struggling to take it all in but I'll just need to take things step by step and hope for better news with everything from now on. I'm really eager for the surgery now and although it's going to be a big shock I just want to be here for my children no matter what it leaves me looking like. 

    I lost someone close to me 10 years ago from breast cancer so the only experience I have is a bad one, other people have been telling me about the different and better treatments that have moved on in the last 10 years so hopefully this will be the case. Xx

  • And also I'm sorry for this totally inadequate response. I definitely don't have the words but I can imagine where your head is at. The same thoughts have been swirling round for me for the last few weeks. Wish I could say more to help. 

  • It must be so difficult when that had been your past experience but treatments have come on so much in that time and breast cancer is so treatable in many cases. I think I'd feel the same about the mastectomy. It's a huge thing but takes control of the situation. Please try not to worry about your children too much. Look after yourself and just keep being the great mum you clearly are. 

    Just try to break things down into manageable steps - surgery first then hopefully better news. x

  • Hi there


    hope you don't mind me messaging you.  You seem to have got seen in Glasgow quite quickly.

    I had a sore breast lump mid Feb that my GP treated with antibiotics.  I now have another hard lump, no pain whatsoever but my GP has referred me to the breast clinic and said not to use anymore antibiotics.  Can I ask was your lump hard and painless?  Please do not answer if you don't want to, and apologies if I'm being too intrusive.  I guess I'm just trying to perhaps ascertain what it is as the waiting is awful!  Thank you so much.

  • my daughter has been told she needs a breast biopsy how long is she likely to wait in Glasgow  ? She is a single parent and going crazy with worrry

  • Hi irenc,

    I had an ultrasound that wasn't clear enough for diagnosis and was told that day that I needed a biopsy, it happened the next day in a different hospital but by the same consultant. I was lucky that it was so quick. I hope she doesn't wait too long. The waiting is by far the worst part. X