Breast Clinic Referrals Glasgow

I have been referred to the Breast Clinic in Glasgow today after having a lump examined by my GP. I'm 10 weeks pregnant with a one year old son and worried sick but trying to stay positive. 

Just wondering if anyone had been referred in Glasgow recently? If so, what was the waiting time like? Did you have an ultrasound and biopsy at your first appointment? 

Thanks so much! 

  • Hi!


    I went to my GP about a new breast lump on the 15th March and was seen at the  breast clinic on the 25th. Much quicker than I thought it would be. I was seen straight away for an examination and then awaited an ultrasound, I waited about half an hour to be called for that. Dr did the scan and a young nurse was present, he said my breast tissue is very dense and he couldn't tell what the lump is, so classed as indeterminate. Then he said he could have done a biopsy there and then but he wanted to do a mammogram as I'm 37 and if you are over 35 you qualify for that. I went to the hospital the next day for that and a biopsy. I was told it was still unclear.  Going out of my mind with fear and anxiety to be honest. I have 2 young children. I found the process very quick but the waiting time for results is agonising. 

    hope you are ok and your concerns are nothing to worry about xx

  • Thanks for your reply. I'm so sorry that you are still waiting - is this for the biopsy results? It's reassuring that you were seen so quickly but awful to have this anxiety hanging over you. Let me know how you get on. 

    I really hope to get my appointment soon. I thought the worst I had to worry about was whether my 12 week pregnancy scan would go ok and now this has completely taken over. 

  • Hi

    yes the wait I have now is for biopsy results. My GP called today to say she had an email to say that there is a delay because of the Easter holiday weekend, otherwise I would have known yesterday. The rest of the process I found to be very quick, I actually commented about this to the nurse who was present for my biopsy and she said things move quickly with Breast concerns. I think you will have a letter in a few days and the app within the week of receiving that. 
    I'm sorry you're having this worry at a special time when all you should have is excitement at getting your 12 week scan. 
    Take Care xx

  • So sorry, I missed your reply. 

    Im glad to hear that things have moved quickly for you. Keeping everything crossed for positive biopsy results for you and hope that you have now received them. 

    No letter for me yet but really hope to hear something in the next few days x

  • If anyone is checking this feed, just to advise that I called my local hospital in Glasgow for more info on current wait times for the breast clinic. Unfortunately it transpires that it is 4-6 weeks. Not ideal but hopefully a worst case scenario! 

  • Hi, sorry I was unable to log back in to reply sooner. Unfortunately I still haven't had biopsy results back and that's 16 days. I did eventually get to speak to someone on the phone in the breast department and she said the MDT meeting will take place tomorrow and she will call me, I asked if she would be able to discuss results on the phone and she said yes she would. So I hope I will hear either way tomorrow. I'm so scared. 

    sorry to hear you are now possibly facing a 4-6 week wait! That's long and definitely not the way they told me it would work. That's a long time to worry for you, and I know how that feels. I hope you get the appointment sooner than that. Maybe it's because they have closed the temporary hospital in Glasgow that they don't have the same capacity. That's where I had my first appointment, the day before it closed. 

  • What a wait you have had for your results. It's so stressful but hopefully it's good news if they are willing to tell you over the phone? 

    I think there is a backlog and that would make sense about the temporary hospital closing. I've decided to book a private appointment to have it looked at - not something I'd normally do and it's a stretch to afford it but I'm worried about being so stressed out when I'm pregnant for potentially the next 5 weeks.



  •  Trying not to look into it being over the phone too much so I don't get a huge shock tomorrow. I know it's really negative but I feel it's natural to prepare for the worst. I keep going back and forth that they would rather see me if it was bad news but given the current restrictions I just don't know. 

    You have done the right thing going private, although it will be an unexpected expense it will be worth it. I wish I had went private now as I believe I wouldn't have had this wait for results, even though I was seen for the first tests quickly. Hopefully this means you can get some good news quicker and move on to enjoy your pregnancy without added stress like you say. 

  • Well not long to wait now. I think it's the uncertainty that is so difficult. Will be hoping for good news for you tomorrow. 

    My appointment is on Wednesday morning so really hoping for a quick answer but imagine I may end up having to wait for biopsy results too. Also have my 12 week scan on tuesday so it's a stressful week! 

  • I'll let you know tomorrow if I hear anything, thanks for your kind thoughts. It helps to talk to someone in the same postion as I don't want to upset my family. 

    Glad you have your appointment on Wednesday, they may even see exactly what it is in the scan and you will know there and then! I know that's a best case scenario but even if you need further tests I don't think you will wait too long from a private clinic. 

    Try and enjoy Tuesday and let it take your mind off Wednesdays appointment, I'm sure you will get some peace of mind from the scan.