Referred to Haematology


I'm honestly not sure if I'm posting in the correct place or if I've done the right thing signing up to the forum so soon but today I was referred to Haematology by my GP because I have a swollen lymph node under my armpit, that's been slowly growing for around seven months.

She said it "could be a number of things" but only actually asked if I'd ever heard of Lymphoma and said I'm to wait to hear from the hospital. Normally they say "I don't think it's anything sinister" so I was sort of taken aback because I thought I'd have got myself worked up over nothing (I actually secretly suspected breast cancer but she checked and couldn't feel any lumps there.)

I've been lurking on this forum for the last few weeks after consulting Dr Google and you all seem so wonderful and it seems like a safe space. I just wanted to know of people's experience at being referred to Haematology - was it something? Was it nothing? What was the experience like? Is this routine? I just like being prepared. Am also waiting on blood results from the GP as well so that might show up an alternative, I don't know.

I'm 27 and live in Scotland, if this helps any.

Thank you so much in advance,

Purryface x

  • Hi purryface. 

    I replied to you back on my post but as you know my haematologist app didn't go as well as I hoped after being asked to watch and wait 3 months but im now wondering why they haven't reffered you to the breast clinic? I was 1st reffered to the breast clinic as I only had a lump under my armpit and breasts felt fine but it was while waiting too see them i then developed in my neck and other areas. But tbh I wish I was sent to the haematologist 1st instead of the breast clinic because my haematologist is making me watch and wait basically because I've had a scan on my breast and under arm and a clear chest ray but I haven't had any lumps in other areas scanned.

    When I went to the haematologist he just asked about my background then my symtoms then had a quick feel of the lumps and then took blood and that was that. My doctor spent more time.feeling my lumps than my haematologist he literally had the quickest feel which makes me think he didn't feel them properly. 

    Hope you get some awnsers soon with other peoples experiences x

  • Hey!

    I know, I was so surprised too. The Doctor felt my boobs and couldn't feel any lumps...I don't know if my symptoms just fit better with lymphoma. 

    I have an old colleague who's been through it and I dropped her a message - she said they fobbed her off for a year and she ended up having stage four.

    Very nervous! X

  • Yeah I didn't have any lumps in my boobs either they did feel a bit more hard but again I don't know if it was because I was touching them constantly.

    What are your symptoms if you don't mind me asking? 

    Oh no sorry to hear about your colleague, that's terrible and gives me the absolute fear aswell I'm very concerned as I've had the lymphnodes in my groin since 2017 and wasn't taken seriously back then. Was yout colleague young and are they ok? How did she get to the bottom of it. I hope she can help in some way xx

  • Of course. I have a large swollen lymph node under my armpit that's been there for months, a numb/weak hand, constant nausea and breathlessness. I don't know if they're all related or not!

    I know what you mean, I'm checking under my arm ALL the time. And now my other nodes cause I'm paranoid.

    I know. She was late 20s, like me. Two little girls. Went through chemo, fought it and beat it. She's doing good now. And she was so kind when I messaged her, I was worried it was totally inappropriate. It was vision problems in the end that got her diagnosed and she had a mass in her brain as a result. Bless her. x