HPV positive, abnormal cells, bleeding after sex and waiting

Hi so I recently had my very first smear test, which wasn't a big deal because about 5 months ago I had a coil fitted! However I got my results back saying that I had tested positive for HPV and had abnormal cells (despite having the HPV jab at school!). Before the coil my periods were regular like clockwork 28-29 day cycles but since have had some spotting in between my periods, a tiny bit of bleeding after sex and the last one was 5 days late but I presumed that was normal and due to the coil so thought nothing of it and didn't mention it when I went for my smear. Now I'm really worried that it was a sign I should have flagged up with the nurse at my smear and have to wait at least 3 weeks to hear about my hospital referral.

My Dad was diagnosed with HPV related cancer about a year and ½ ago so obviously a big worry after seeing him go through it all!