Ultrasound for swollen lymph node - what should I expect?

Hi all,

I've been referred for an ultrasound in my local hospital to look at a swollen lymph node on my neck which has been around for quite a while. Everything has dragged on a little bit because of covid but I finally have a date and am going for the scan in a few weeks.

I'm quite nervous not just about the results of the scan but also about potential timeframes for additional scan or biopsy referrals if the scan looks abnormal. Would I be able to ask the nurses or doctors for their interpretation of my scan in the appointment? And if they do think it looks abnormal would I be sent for a biopsy immediately or would it be a separate referral and waiting process? Realistically, if it is something more than a reactive lymph node how much longer will I have to play the waiting game before I get a diagnosis?

Feeling very in the dark right now as my GP gave me little information about the process and so anyones knowledge or advice about this would be amazing :)

  • Hey again

    i just checked the lump I feel like I was touching the wrong area last time I don't think it's shrunk now. I just want this ultrasound done. 

  • Hey,

    I just logged back on for the first time in a while and saw you'd had your ultrasound done. Can I ask how your results were and if you got them on the spot? Hopefully you got some news in your scan! 


  • Hey 

    I had my ultrasound and 2 doctors came in to do but because they couldn't find the lump on my armpit.  Like they checked and checked and they said they can't see it. Which I understand as it seems to be smaller now. Like really small. She couldn't feel it too which is weird as I can like capture it. It's as small as a pea now.

    she just told me to come back for another scan if it grows or changes which I'm hoping it doesn't.  

    but most radiologists tell you on the spot. I'm just worried for my period coming up in 2 weeks because I feel like it's going to grow again just right before . But I'm trying to hope for the best. 

    she also couldn't see the swollen lymph nodes in my neck with the ultrasound. Which she saw one after trying to find it for 15 minutes and said it's 3mm but she said the other ones a muscle ... like I am no med student but I do know that there isn't round movable muscles in the sides of my neck. 

    how are you doing. Is there any progress ?

  • Hi Robyn 

    I come across your post as I'm lookt looking up similar symptoms to myself 

    I have swollen glands and skin itching 

    I had a private ultrasound on my swollen glands and they just said reactive nothing to worry about 

    I can still feel them and I still have itchy skin 

    did you get anywhere with a diagnosis of the itchy skin if your glands were all ok? 