I’m scared that I have skin cancer

I'm 19 years old and I've noticed an abnormal looking mole on my left arm. I dont think its growing but I have noticed it before but never took notice of it. Today On my right forearm I noticed another mole however this one doesnt look abnormal. I am just very worried and scared. I've called my GP and send photos so now im just waiting for them to call me back

  • Just a follow up, 

    GP called me, they said its unlikely that its cancer but because its irregular in shape and i'm seeing more than 1 colour they will refer me to the dermatologist. I am still really worried and i'm trying my best to stay calm...

  • Hi Jenni,

    I know it's worrying but you have a very good chance of your mole being fine. At your young age it's unusual for a mole to become cancerous. Also, 75% of patients that are referred to dermatology are given a clean bill of health. Your GP is just letting an expert check out the mole, face to face. Moles tend to either be benign, atypical (dysplastic) or cancerous. The majority are benign, a small amount are cancerouis and a small amount are atypical - the atypical ones are usually removed or they keep an eye on them so that they don't become a problem in the future - so the odds of yours being melanoma are very small.

    I hope this helps. Try to distract your thoughts away from the appointment by keeping busy. You won't have to wait long & hopefully it will all be fine. Good luck & please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Thank you so much Angie, 

    I managed to get an appointment for the 8th of March with the Dermatology department. I truly do appreciate your reassurance and kind words so much!! 

    I will definitely post any updates I have to this forum on the 8th!! 

  • Hi Jenni,

    I am 22 and in the same position as you with a skin cancer scare which is so scary. Mine is on the lower half of my body which is really embarrasing but i have my appointment on the 5th March to get it checked out. 

    Hopefully everything will be ok, we just need to stay positive and dont google anything which was a mistake i made.


  • Hi Jade, 

    Hopefully everything goes well for the both of us. Also I made the mistake of googling too and I sent myself into a panic but I'm now trying to stay well away from searching anything. Please do update with what happens on the 5th of March!!