Swollen lymph node. Low white blood count. Waiting...

Hi all,

I may be worrying about nothing, but I am feeling anxious about my latest trip to the doc. I went with a swollen lymph node above my left collar bone and some swollen lymph nodes in my chest (which have since calmed down and probably related to my cycle, but the collarbone one is the same). Have had the neck one for 4ish weeks and my blood test showed I have a low white blood count and neutrophils.

I have been tired lately and lost quite a bit of weight, but this could also be easily explained by other meds I'm on so not jumping to conclusions on that. Otherwise no other symptoms. 

Waiting for a repeat blood test to see if white blood cells are the same, and then I guess I'll be referred on if it's still dodgy. Have been referred to the breast clinic for a non urgent scan in the meantime.

If any of these symptoms appeared in isolation I wouldn't be so worried. But the swollen lymph node (at 2cm by 1cm) is non tender, and combined with a low WBC... my mind goes to Lymphoma? I'm 29 and no family history of this cancer. 

Interested to hear if anyone has any similar stories or can offer any reassurances.



  • Hi emma

    hope you are well and fingers crossed nothing serious. 

    I had blood tests done recently as I was feeling tired had a lump under my chin /jaw area and swollen lymph nodes and sweating during night some came back normal but one came back that they were concerned with and paired with swollen lymph nodes they decided to refer me on to a hematoligist. I am a little worried but also know they may just be being cautious so I'm hoping it's that. I am awaiting my appointment date but will keep you updated keep me updated of your experience?




  • Hey thanks for replying :) sorry to hear you're waiting for results too. Do you know which of your blood results came back abnormal? Fingers crossed for you! Yes I'll keep you updated and please feel free to do the same. I hope you don't have to wait too long. 

  • I'm not actually sure which one came back because the rest came back as normal i didn't ask to many questions but thank you il deffo keep you updated and let me know how you get on too :) 

  • Sure thing, hope you've got a good support network around you. Will check in with you soon :) 

  • Hi [@EmmaJL]‍ 


    i hope you are well. I just wondered if you got any answers? I am experiencing similar, I've had swollen lymph nodes for years and had ultrasounds and lots of blood tests which have always come back nomral but more recently I've been feeling off and had more blood tests, my wbc is within the normal range but right at the bottom of normal and I've noticed it's been getting lower and lower over the last few years, I'm trying to reassure myself I've had checks etc but my mind can't help but race.

