14mm endometrial thickness waiting biopsy results

Hello everyone i am 55 years old and this is my story any advice would be so welcome right now, i feel like im caught up in a whirlwind of doom

i had a post menopausal bleed a christmas, within 2 weeks I had seen the doctor for an internal check up .

all seemed well but she Sent me for a scan just to double check

that scared the life out of me. , he was very candid made a few hmmm and arrrs but didn't say much except id like to do wn internal scan if that's ok?  I said if course but why ?? Ohhh just to get a better look around ? He was very vaigue with his answers .except the usual we will be in touch within 2 weeks.

sooo fast forward 10 days ok later doctor rings..  my endometrial thickness was 14mm and soo she was referring me to hospital for a biopsy ?? 
got my appointment within another 10 days and off i went when i got th

here she had the scan pictures and asked could she also do a hysteroscopy . It wasn't that bad just uncomfortable, and they were so lovely.

sooo another 2 week wait .. but within a few days i had a cooy of a letter from hospital to my doctor saying everything looked healthy aoart from the 14 mm thickening(cervix ect was healthy) but she has found a slight thickening on the posterior uterine wall and had taken a biopsy , she said the endometrium looked proliferative and if the endometrial biopsy was benign she would dudd as charge me from her care ? Guess what 2 weeks wait for results.

so now im feeling slightly better about things . Until  3 days ago i had 2 letters on the same day telling me that my appointment was being brought forward fom march to feb then second letter another week forward .. what appointment? I hadnt had one .. so I phoned and all they told me was that she wants to discuss my results?

now I am really worried .. its got to be something ? Or surely they'd just talk over the phone? I mean we are still in a lockdown!

Sooo im going this Thursday 18th feb? And to be fair excpecting the worst.

I am absolutely terrified but am keeping it to myself soo I don't worry my husband and children  x




  • Hi hun  

    No gyne clinic appt yet, I have my visit on the 19th but I'm wondering what will actually get done on that date due to that I already had the scan. 

    On Tuesday I was rushed to hospital with abdominal pain.. I saw 2 gyne one in A&E and one on ward. Both say my pain is unrelated? But the consultant gyne feel my thickening will clear with progestin but still need hysteroscopy and biopsy to tick boxes. 

    Been for ultrasound as my liver ALT is high, I have fatty liver and diverticulitus but they didnt say much more only that I can be discharged.

    I'm hoping my GP can see scan results because I fear they didnt tell me everything as the woman checking my liver asked when I last ate... 


    I'm so sorry that you are in the dark like this too, it just irks me that they don't do much other than put us in clinic appointments. My hospital couldnt decide if I need gyne or surgeons and pass me from one to other. 

    Are you in any pain at all? 

    My pain is in my bellybutton and then same level right and left but closer to hips. 



  • Hi! How have you been? Did you get your hysteroscopy?


    i ended up having a GA for my hysterosocopy as they failed it in clinic when i was awake, i wasnt in pain they just couldnt get into my cervix.


    fast forward to 20th sep... had the procedure was told I would get a letter in a few days after surgery. Its been 2 and half weeks not got any letter, called gynae clinic up for my results from the biospy of my thickened endometrium an polyp ressults.... guess what ... there missing!! Dont think they even went to the lab! Honestly feel so frustrated even more so as its the same hospital that miss diagnoised my dad with a "nasal drip" when he infact has thyroid cancer. Dont really know what that means if they have lost the biopsy samples. Waiting for a call back was meant to be today, never recieved a call. Going to call again tomorrow. Just want peice of mind an reassurance.

    hope you have been ok xx