Can I go private and then nhs?

So, after being fobbed off by my gp, I have managed to book a private consultation for Wednesday. He works for the NHS too and is actually the head of the department at my local hospital. I have now managed a telephone appointment with another gp at my doctors which is on Wednesday morning before my private appointment but I doubt she'll refer me either because she was the one who misdiagnosed my chronic illness for 4 years because she didn't send me for very simple tests. My question is - if I go for a constultation privately and need tests, can I ask to be put on the NHS waiting list? I'm a self paying student so I cannot afford the nearly 2000 pound tests! I'm not expecting to be put higher on the list, I just want an actual referal for tests which my gp is refusing on the basis that I am too young although I am having serious symptoms. If not, I am not sure what to do or where to go as I have no other gp to register with either. 

  • Good morning,

    I had something similar last year where I had to pay privately for a consultation as my referral was going to be months away after a few cancellations. She also worked for the NHS so offered to put me on the waiting list after paying for the initial consultation, I hope you are offered the same & they don't keep you waiting too long. 



  • Hi,

    Short answer, yes! The NHS are duty bound to treat you regardless of the referral route you take.  Your private consultant will write a letter to your GP telling them the situation, and they'll probably copy in the NHS specialist team at the hospital too.  If the consultant's findings mean you need a referral, you'll get one.

    Once you're on the hospital's list, you'll be in their pathway and they take care of everything.  The GP just gets copied in on all the correspondence.

    Just make sure you explain the situation to the private consultant (they're all NHS doctors anyway)

    Good luck with everything!


  • I want to make appointment with urology soon as possible.

  • Yes, slightly different situation but my GP has referred me for a chest x-ray and ultrasound of my neck. The x-ray is booked with NHS for a few weeks away, but the ultrasound could be 16 weeks away, even with an urgent referral. So I've booked a private ultrasound for next week and they will send the GP/hospital my results, and everything else is still going through the NHS. They said many people just have the initial consultation or tests with them, just to avoid the waiting times, then continue through the NHS. Good luck x