Lymph node lump on collarbone

Found lump on sunday. Phoned GP Monday and had appointment over the phone. Told to keep an eye on it for 2 weeks. If still there then to make an appointment to go in for a face to face meeting. I somewhat naively thought things may move a little quicker. Is this normal? Anyone else had a lump here ? 

  • Hello Susicee 

    i have a lump on my neck, not quite near my collarbone just smack bang in the middle of my neck but on the side. I spoke to my GP back in November about it and was then called 4 weeks later for a review. Then because it was still there I had a face to face appointment about a week after that and then 2 weeks after I had an ultrasound on the lump. Then just under 2 weeks I had to wait for the results, which by the way was just a lipoma so nothing serious thankfully. 

    try not to worry, don't keep prodding it(easier said than done). Try to put it to the back of your mind until your speak to your GP again. Could be anything. Does it move? Feel hard or soft? Is it big or small? Painful? Although I say keep it to the back of your mind, obviously keep an eye on but try not to obsess over it. Good luck xx

  • Hi Susicee,

    I found a couple of small lumps by accident last Tuesday evening - just behind my left collarbone.

    Rang GP on Wednesday am and went into see her late morning. She examined the lumps and various other area looking for more swollen lymph nodes. Also took some blood tests and referred me unde the Cancer 2WW. Unfortunately lost my Mum to secondary Breast cancer in 2006 aged 62yrs.

    GP rang me on Friday morning to say that my blood results were abnormal - im borderline Neutropenic (low Neutrophils) and aslo Iron deficiency anaemia.

    Ive now got an urgent CT booked for 9th February

    Right up til this point i have been feeling really well - was diagnosed with Fibroids in April 2017 but no further action taken as they were not causing me any problems.

    If you are worried - ring back the GP and ask for them to see you - they are still working as per normal but with restrictions due to Covid. 

    Naturally Im worried now

  • Hi Susicee,

    I have got two enlarged lypmh nodes in the left side of my neck. The one under my chin i've had for four years and one on the side of my neck i've had just over a year. I wasn't entirely sure they were nodes at first until I finally called the doctors as I got pain in them when I drank alcohol, they saw me on Monday and confirmed they are lymph nodes. I got told if the one on the side of my neck hasn't gone in 6 weeks I need to book in for blood tests and call the docs again. Like you, I thought things would move a bit quicker than this, especially since the one on the side of my neck has been there over a year I don't see how it's just going to dissapear in 6 weeks but we shall see. 

    I'm just hoping the non urgency from them is a sign they think everything is okay, hopefully this is the same for you but make sure to call them back if your lump is still there in two weeks and I would push for tests just to put your mind at ease. Try not to do too much googling in the meantime - you'll only find negative things and end up in a spiral! 

    One positive thing i've seen on here is that statistically the chances of a swollen lymph node being anything sinister are really really low. Hope it all goes okay for you xx


    (Sorry if this post comes up twice, i tried to reply earlier and it doesn't seem to of sent)