Worried sick cervical cancer

I'm so worried that I may have cervical cancer. I received treatment for gonorrhoea four weeks ago the symptoms of that were bleeding inbetween periods and discharge, post treatment I still have the same symptoms and also I've been needing to pee a lot the past few months. I expected after treatment that the symptoms would go away but given that they haven't I'm worried it could be cervical cancer? Did anyone have the need to pee, bleeding and discharge as symptoms? Would those symptoms mean it's really advanced already? Sorry if this is a stupid post. Just to add I called my doctors to book my first smear test and they said there were no appointments in the next 28 days so I'm going to make a normal gp appointment tomorrow and speak to the DR about it. 

  • Hi I understand how it feels,  I just turned 60 at Hogmanay.  
    had post menopausal(its been 15years since my menopause ended) bleeding on 5th Dec, I went to ADOC at the weekend and called my GP Surgery on the Monday and my GP saw me an hour later. She then sent an urgent referral to Gynae Consultant and I waited 5 weeks before I got the call from Gynae Surgeon's secretary on Fri 8th of Jan to give me appt on Monday 11th.  At hospital I had a transvaginal ultrasound, then a Hysteroscopy, an internal examination and then biopsy because he found something in the wall of uterus/womb.  All done within the hour.  After that he told me lots of things it can be, and because I didnt get a letter or anything before,but my brain was frazzled I forgot to ask how long the wait for results is.  I'm still feeling sick every day and my head at night is worse.

    I called his secretary the next day as we can't sleep with all the worry and she said if its urgent, well it better be, it will be at least 4 weeks until results come in.  I still havent slept properly.  I still have at least a week to go.

    I'm in Scotland so its different from in England, we don't have a set date to be seen urgently for some unknown reason.  Sorry this is so long winded. 

    I hope you will hear soon. Keep busy, take care and all the best, Jen