Positive FIT test

Please can someone reassure me: I recieved a positive FIT test today & now have an urgent referral. I went to my GP as I saw bright red blood last week after passing a stool which is due to a haemorrhoid (as confirmed on examination) I had a sigmoidoscopy 2.5 years ago & a colonoscopy just under 10 years ago due to change in bowel habits (due to thyroid problem 10 years ago) and due to haemorrhoids 2.5 years ago (sigmoidoscopy)

The GP said she wasn't surprised the test was positive due to the haemorrhoid but I am freaking out because when I took the sample there was absolutely no evidence of blood on the stool which was light brown in colour & the obvious bleeding I had from the heamorroid was 4 days after I saw obvious blood. I'm so scared. Thanks