
Hi It's more than likely nothing but I had a smear on Monday and a polyp was discovered.  Nurse wanted the doctor to look at it so was going to speak to her on Monday and get back to me.  I got a phone call in Monday to say Doctor was not worried as I had no symptoms I do i have been bleeding!  the nurse said she was off on Tuesday but would speak to another doctor on Wenesday and phone me. She didn't phoned today and I was told she had spoken to the docotr again on monday and they had decided to do nothing until the smear rresults come back which I get but then surely these things need to be taken out.  I have an appointment for the 4th March when the results should be back!!!!! They know i am worried but dont seem bothered.  I was given the impression on Monday that I would be seen my a doctor this week and we would have things resolved as it is I am to wait six weeks.  I asked what happens if it comes back at inconclusive am I to wait another six weeks and there was no reply.  I'm worried sick as I know with the current situation things are taking longer so surely I should be referred to have to taken out as they do not do these at my surgery least then I can join the queue for the appointments instead of waiting six weeks to do so.  

  • Hi,

    I also went for a smear on Monday and the nurse discovered a polyp. I originally went to have my coil removed as doctors had just discovered it has been left in for the past 15 years ! ( went to have it removed 10 years ago, but doctor couldn't find it so doctor said it had probably come out had recurring water infections past 5 months and an ultrasound that discovered its still there) while she couldn't locate my coil she did my smear as due one next month anyway? She discovered the polyp and said they would probably remove it when removing my coil at the gyno clinic? I asked if they are still doing operations for my coil and polyps and was reassured that they are and should here something within the next few weeks along with my smear results. I have never had any abnormal cells or anything before so fingers crossed all is ok and they can just whip them out x

    I'm sure they would have seen something on my ultrasound if it was anything serious, I wasn't even told about the polyp ? Which surely you would see

    Your smear results should come back within 2 weeks, I know its stressful waiting for them but until then there isn't much they can do, hopefully its nothing serious and your gp will be in touch soon. If it comes back as inconclusive then get them to refer you for an urgent appointment and list all symptoms if you have any additional as well as your bleeding to your gp, they won't act unless they know all the facts? I have additional symptoms and I have contacted my gp so that it is all put down on my notes for the gyno clinic.


  • Hi I hope you get your all taken out quickly.  The nurse us aware of my symptoms but goodness knows if she told the doctor.  It was the nurse who said it was taking six weeks for the smear results to come back which I thought was a bit long.  I know there's not much they can do and I don't understand why I have to wait for the smear test results to come back as either way it needs to come out so surely I should just be referred.  I got a shock when the nurse told me all this as the impression I was given was it would be seen ASAP and would be taken out.  I have decided to put it out of my head until March nothing more I can do unless the results come back sooner then I am to phone the surgery and they will TRY and fit me in sooner.

    I hope they manage to get your coil and polyp out and you don't have too much discomfort 


  • Hi 

    I have recently been told I have a polyp in my womb. From what I have read they are mostly benign. The waiting for results is the worst.

    I was referred to a gynaecologist on 6/1 and had a text on 8/1 with an appointment for 15/1. Maybe you could ask to be referred to a gynaecologist. I know with my smear results they are normally quite quick and wrote to me directly,



  • Hi it is the waiting which is the worst and really I don't understand why I can't be referred now as it will be coming out regardless.  I'm trying not to dwell on things as really there's nothing I can do about it.  Wow you have received your appointment quickly I can i my hope I get mine as quick in March.  I hope everything is clear for you.  Let me know 



  • Thanks, you too x

    I've just had a letter come through this morning from gynaecologist saying that if I haven't heard from them from the 1st of Feb to contact them ? So hopefully won't be to long to wait.

    Does your gp have that my gp app ? I have sent my gp all the info the nurse gave me and my additional symptoms and he is ringing me today so maybe you could do that ? And it may speed things up ? Its also all down on your record and its helped if I've been ill with other things as they tend to read all my past requests and I don't need to repeat myself? 

    Its natural to worry. My mums had polyps and they took around 6 weeks from start to finish and hers wasn't cancerous so keeping that in mind... could be longer though with covid etc so may be a little longer than the 6 weeks possibly 8 or more ? Its reassuring to hear that majority of polyps aren't anything serious and that it is hereditary, so when my mum had hers she told us all ( have 3 sisters) and I think that's why I'm not to worried about it. 

    Fingers crossed we all will get seen soon and it won't be to long a wait. X

  • Hi RMJ37

    the doctor phoned me this morning and apologised as basically I have got wound up ans worried needlessly and said the nurse has been worried abs transferred that worry to me.  She's spoke. Me through it all and told me why she knows it's not cancer and really but my mind at ease.  She is seeing me week after next as Covid is really high in my town just now and they are keeping appointments to a minimum so bless her she's seeing me at lunchtime to minimise the risk to me I have asthma and diabetes.  She will look at it and make sure it's a polyp and refer me through she things gynaecology with put me at the back of the queue with as I am waiting on a smear but she says she'll do it anyway.  She has been told today it's taking eight weeks for the smear results to come through and she knew I wouldn't last that long!  So for my mental health and piece of mind she will start the ball rolling so to speak in two weeks.  I feel so much better and a wee bit silly of I'm honest as really it's all fine.  But, the nurses reaction and lack of communication has allowed me to get things like they were in my head and convinced me they didn't care and that I probably had cancer.  Working at home with no adult company really doesn't help either.  So thought I'd let you know that I'm 99.9% sure I'm of and I have got stressed about nothing. 

    you take care