swollen lymph nodes and tonsil- stressed

Hi everyone,

Just looking for a bit of advice about how to cope with my anxiety over this. In october last year I had an ear infection and noticed two lymph nodes on my neck had swollen (i'm pretty sure they came up during the infection, but they could have been there before). I went to a walk-in centre and was given medication for the ear infection, and told to see a gp in two weeks if the lymph nodes hadn't gone down, which I did. The doctor asked me about lymphoma related symptoms (weight loss, night sweats etc), none of which I have had. She said she wasn't too concerned but ordered a blood test to be on the safe side. Blood test came back fine, so I didn't think much of it, even though the nodes didn't go down.

Then about a week ago I had to take a covid test (no symptoms, I was just part of one of those studies where they randomly selected people to do a home test so they can measure levels of asymptomatic cases or whatever). When administering the swab I noticed that my tonsil on the same side as the swollen nodes had basically doubled in size, and is now way bigger than the other one. This is weird as I have had no pain (a tiny twinge in my throat but basically unnoticeable), and no other symptoms of tonsilitis or any kind of infection. I waited a few days to see if it would go down on its own (it didn't), then rang my gp this morning who wasn't very reassuring- said it sounded possibly abnormal and booked me in for an appointment on friday. 

I am obviously pretty nervous that this could be some kind of cancer that has started in my lymph nodes and spread to my tonsil- I can't seem to find any other explanations for this issue? I know it's unlikely and there is probably a less scary explanation but I am struggling to rationalise my fears and I feel like I'm going to be super stressed waiting for this appointment. I'm also worried that once I see the gp it will take forever to see an ENT, and it will be a while until I know what's happening.

Has anyone else been in this situation? would appreciate any input :happy:


  • Welcome to the forum Bethshw although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    Managing fears and worries when waiting for appointments is always tough but you're not alone and I'm sure some of our members who have been through this will offer their support and advice to you soon.

    In the meantime, you may benefit from the tips given for managing anxiety on the NHS Every Mind Matters website. The charity Anxiety UK may also prove useful.

    Wishing you all the best for Friday.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello bethshw 

    I hope this is all something not as serious as you think. I am in the same boat as you. I'm sure one of my tonsils has been swollen for months. 2 months ago I found a pea size lump in my neck but to the opposite side of the tonsil. I had an ultrasound on this on Monday and awaiting the results from this. I also had weird sensations and pain on my tongue alongside metal taste. This lasted 2-3 weeks but seems to have calmed down a lot, I just have a weird sensation left which isn't barely noticeable, I am hoping this is a good sign as surely if it was cancer it would have got worse right? Also with my tonsils I saw my dentist 2 weeks ago who said they both looked swollen and red and looked like a mild case of tonsillitis, I asked her out right if she thought it was cancer and she said no straight away. Since then I have pain in the "not swollen tonsil" in my eyes and they are both still red. I'm terrified I have cancer as this is all that google keeps telling me. 

    please keep me updated with your appointment xxx

  • Hi mumma123,

    just thought I'd give you a quick update on my appointment to hopefully provide some reassurance! Dr felt the nodes in my neck, looked in my mouth etc and didn't seem overly concerned- said one of my tonsils was bigger than the other but the difference wasn't massive. I also have a lump under my rib cage which I got her to check and she basically said she'd send me for an ultrasound of both my abdomen and my neck just to rule out anything concerning, as well as taking my bloods again to check my lymphocytes. So she's sent through an urgent referral- but reassured me that she was only doing it so I wasn't waiting ages and that she wasn't overly concerned! She said seeing as I don't have any fever, night sweats, weight loss etc cancer is highly unlikely but she just wanted to be on the safe side. I feel a lot better now that I know I'm going to be checked out- I hope this reassures you that these symptoms are not definitely cancer and they just do ultrasounds to rule things out! Keep me updated with the results of your scan and I hope everything goes welll for you xxx

  • Hello bethshw 

    thankyou for getting back to me. That is good to hear it really is. The fact she said it is bigger but not massively, I do feel like that about my tonsil too. Glad that she isn't concerned. Fingers crossed you get your ultrasound soon. I am still waiting for my results from my ultrasound... no news is good news right? That's what I keep telling myself anyway! Are your tonsils normal colour or are they red? Mine are red which is why I'm worrying more I think. Also u mention u have no other symptoms. I had lost just over a stone since September, I'm trying to tell myself it's because I am stressing because my appetite is still there.

    on another note I am beside myself with worry.... my 4 year old boys has had a pea size lump on his neck.. I'm pretty sure for a year but I noticed it around November and spoke to a dr on the phone who wasn't overly concerned. He has no other symptoms but I went for a walk with him and my other 2 children today and when he turned his head I caught a glimpse of it( haven't really been looking at it over time) it looks like it's grown! I'm absolutely terrified for him. I managed to get booked in to speak to another doctor on Sunday morning and I had to send photos in for them to see but I'm so worried for him and for me! I'm just feeling so stressed out by this and everyone keeps reassuring me and my anxiety is taking over!!! 

    keeo me updated with your appointments etc xx