Thick Lining of the womb measures 20mm

Hey, does any one have any advice for me, it will be greatly appreciated. I am 35 and my iron has always been low and I've always ended up having blood transfusion and iron infusions. I had an ultrasound because they felt it was due to heavy periods. In the ultrasound they said my lining was thick and measured 20mm. My period has always come on time, it's heavy the first few days but I just thought that was normal. I'm really worried now, what does this mean? She said that the doctor may now suggest having a camera inside me but didn't tell me much. Could it be cancerous? 

  • Hello,

    I used to suffer badly with heavy periods which led to me being put on two contraceptives (implant and the combined pill). I had the implant removed fairly recently due to my periods being unbearable and now I'm only on the pill. My  GP booked me in for an ultrasound but it ended up being an internal examination. After 5 days of waiting for the results it came back that I had a condition called Adenomyosis which is when the inner lining of the uterus breaks through the muscle of the uterus which causes thickening. I was worried as it's usually common in women older than me, I'm 24. I hope this helps calm your nerves and try not to think the worst :) 

  • Two years ago when my iron became severely low, I was put in the gynaecology ward. They did tell me about a pill and an implant, also how I couldn't have kids after. There was so much to take in and I had gone through so much, that I just wanted to go home. I started taking iron tablets and tried to increase iron in my diet but here we are two years later, with the same problem again. Hope it's not serious and they find out the problem.