Waiting on colonoscopy


I am currently awaiting a colonoscopy on Friday the 22nd and I am just reaching out for support. My symptoms have been ongoing for about two years. I treated myself on/off for piles thinking that they were causing the bleeding (my gp says it still could be, just further up) my other symptoms have been, needing to strain even after bowel movement, bleeding on average 3 times a week and weight loss. I am only 27 so the gp has said it would be very rare for it to be anything too nasty.

I had a fit test and bloods last week after the GP has been monitoring my weight every 4 weeks since August which I have continued to lose steadily. The GP had referred me for a colonoscopy but after my fit results and bloods I received a call saying it was pushed forward urgently. My GP is calling me tomorrow to discuss the results and explain the procedure although the person over the phone has already explained. 

I am feeling a little nervous and just looking for some support. I will kick myself if it is something bad and I have left it so long although I know that there are lots of things it could be and that it will most likely be one of the other things! 

Thanks for reading.


  • Hi, hope you are well.

    I haven't even been to the doctor yet and I've experienced symptoms since this time last month I'd say. However, they weren't as obvious but I will book an appointment soon. Am just scared as the thought of an inspection by the doctor makes me cringe. I don't know if you've had that? Good luck with your colonoscopy, try not to worry too much as this is the most accurate tests for bowels so you're close to finding out what is causing these problems. Try not to worry until you get the results as it's a waste of time - the symptoms won't cause any harm otherwise more urgent action would've been taken and you shouldn't kick yourself even if it is something serious because the doctor had a role to play too. You made the right decision and went to them.

  • Hi

    I went through the same situation last March but I was much older, 59. I'd had symptoms for years and kept being fobbed off with piles medication by the GP.

    I ended up having surgery last May and all went well, followed by 3 months provisional chemo. 

    I was terrified too. I hope it's something minor for you but if it isn't, the upside is that you will get great care, feel so much better afterwards and all the symptoms go away. 

    Best not to think anything until you get all the results in as you can't change it right now. Be brave and keep positive xx


  • Hi

    i am going for an urgent colonoscopy tomorrow and I’m so anxious. I’ve had symptoms of constipation 2 lots of bleeding and a constant pulling feeling in my right of stomach going into my side. I’ve literally convinced myself I’ve got bowel cancer as I’ve googled non stop for weeks. Hope your colonoscopy goes well for you
