Advise needed on a lump

I apologise for the details in advance but I feel like I need help but don't want to waste the doctors time if it's nothing. 

A few days ago me and my partner were intimate. It didn't feel right. It wasn't painful or uncomfortable but it just didn't feel right. After 6 years together I knew something was wrong. 
I felt around to see if I could find an answer as to why I felt the way I did and I found a very round lump no bigger than a cm or 2 on what I think is my cervix (I could be completely wrong with the location)! 

I wanted to know if this was normal? I don't wnat to bother the doctor if it's something we all have and I just didn't know. I'm worried sick 

Thank you and I apologise for the details...


  • Hi Kiah,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. It is only really your doctor who can advise on this, so do give them a call. Doctors would always much rather people call them, and don't feel like you can't because of everything that's going on at the moment.

    They will speak to you over the phone initially and then if they feel it's necessary they'll ask to see you in person.

    I hope you're able to find out more about this soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator