Bleeding after bowel movements

Hi all

I am going crazy worried with panic I have cancer. I have been experiencing bleeding after bowel movement for the last 2 weeks. I also get bleeding after sex. This has all happened in the last 2 weeks or so. 

I am 28 and my last smear was in 2018 and everything came back normal, but I realise I am due one now. 

I normally have somewhat irregular periods, but nothing like this has ever happened before, I have an appointment with my GP on Wednesday. I wanted one for today but it was not possible due to the current COVID situation.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before, I am super scared..

  • Hi lovely

    firstly, try not to panic, I know it's easier said than done but a lot of times these things are nothing to worry about. 

    in 2016 I was finally investigated for vaginal bleeding I had been suffering with for 18mths (I changed doctors twice due to incompetence). I would bleed every single time after sex, between periods, the consultants I eventually saw were worried because it's 'not right'. They investigated, I had a smear and a biopsy through colposcopy, a 10 day wait for results was the hardest part! But they were negative, cancer free :-). Not long after this I stopped bleeding after sex and in between periods, I hope this is the case for you. 

    Anyway, moving forward to January last year and I started bleeding from my back end, with the current situation you can imagine how difficult it's been to get this sorted, it has been confirmed that I do not have haemorrhoids. The doctor thinks I have Chrohns, coupled with the agonising pain I get in my gut and the bleeding every single time I go to the toilet, has led them to believe this. I'm currently awaiting a procedure to have a camera but in to have a look what's going on (not looking forward to that!) but of course I was scared it might be cancer, now I'm concentrating on it being chrohns and what I can do to help my self if this is the case. 

    Try to think positively, if the doctor suspects anything you will be investigated. You're seeing the doctor on Wednesday so that's a good start. Good luck.

  • Hi, yes many years ago I had bright red bleeding after sex, along with odd watery liquid. I went to see my Doctor who did an internal she said I had a cervical erosion.I had to have it cauterised along with another procedure. Hope all goes well on Wednesday x

  • I'm in the same boat, sat waiting for my mobile to ring for an appointment for a colonoscopy due to blood in my stools. I'm trying hard to stay away from Dr Google now as it always gives you the worse case scenario and makes my anxiety levels shoot through the roof. After an internal the Doctor said it wasn't piles as I'd hoped and made the referral after a positive FIT test. Hope we both get those appointments soon so we can move on.