I just wanted to get some thoughts on everything that's been going on. In October I started loosing weight rapidly, I felt tired and knew something wasn't right, my thyroid glands were very inflamed. I spoke to my GP and she offered a blood test for the next day. She then saw me the same day amd said my breathing was labourer, blood pressure was high and so was heart rate 118bpm I do have SVT and my heart can go up to 190 when just sitting so I wasn't concerned by that.
Blood test showed overactive thyroid, she sent me for a scan and the scan showed thyroiditis. The endocrinologist said he could also feel some nodules too.
I was put on steroids as my thyroid was so inflamed it was pressing on my windpipe and I was drinking through a straw as I couldn't lift my neck. I started Pred 60mg and have been tapering down.
a week ago I noticed a fluid like lump around my collar bone that has been getting ever so slight bigger each day, also been having very bad shooting pains in and around my shoulders amd back - feels a bit like trapped wind. After eating everything in the house (steroids make you hungry and getting moon face) I was suddenly not able to finish any meals - feeling of fullness.
I phoned GP on New Years Eve just to see if the swelling was cause for concern. She asked me to go and see her straight away.
she kindly in full PPE examined me and said she could see and feel the fluid. She checked my armpits too. She didn't think that it was to do with my thyroid but Todd call my endocrinologist consultant who said my thyroid was now back to normal and he didn't think it was anything related to that.
she sent me home and called me later to say she was going to do a breast exam next week and some blood tests.
apart from sleeping more than normal and the feeling of fullness. The fluid is painless.
I just wonder if anyone else has experienced the latter of my issues?
My only real concern is that my friend had Hogekinson Lymphoma and I remember hers started out in a very similar way. I assume it's not that but, just a tad worried.