Vaginal bleeding for 2 weeks


I am sick with worry about some abnormal bleeding i have been having.

A year ago i started to have some bleeding on the mirena. I'd had it for 5 years and been period free so i went to have it changed. They got the old coil out no problem, but couldn't get the new one in. The doctor said my cervix had stenosis? I was send for an ultrasound to check there was nothing causing a blockage, which was clear. I also had a negative smear test. I'm 43.

I was booked back in to have the mirena refitted but it got cancelled due to COVID.

Since then i have not been on any hormonal contraception and have had regular periods every 4/5 weeks.

This month my period was a week late and was very watery and light and is still going on 2 weeks later. It's now more like a watery discharge which sometimes is clear and sometimes has blood in it. (TMI, i can kind of feel it dripping down inside, very weird).

I've spoken to my GP who didn't seem concerned and said if its still happening after Xmas they will see me for an examination and in the mean time I'm having a blood test to check hormone levels and thyroid.

I'm worried sick and Dr Google has me convinced that i have cervical or womb cancer. I'm terrified that there was something wrong when they couldn't fit my coil and that its sat for a whole year untreated.

Has anyone been through anything similar or have any advice?

Thanks for reading


  • Welcome to the forum Lisa although I'm sorry for the reason you've joined us.

    Dr.Google does have a tendency to bring up the worst case scenarios so do try to take what you read on there with a pinch of salt. I know that's easier said than done when you're worried about symptoms but you've done the right thing by seeing your doctor so if you can, try to have confidence in what they've told you. 

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar situation will offer their thoughts and advice to you soon but in the meantime I hope the your blood test goes well and that you have a wonderful Christmas.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator