melanoma toenail ?

Last night my husband googled a dark line that appeared on his big toenail a few ago. We expected it to be a fungal nail but were horrified to discover it's possibly a melanoma. 
I contacted a dermatologist who I have seen in the past and sent him a pic. He said that it could be a number of things but to get an urgent referral to dermatologist for a biopsy via the GP first thing on Monday. He was sadly unable to see us as is not working until well into the new year. :-( 

we have private healthcare and we're able to see a gp online last night who has done a referral letter and sent it to us to arrange with the private healthcare (but didn't Mark it as urgent)!  but nothing is open until tomorrow and I'm doubtful that Xmas week we will get anything done / if there will even be any private consultants working this week and then would they even do a biopsy? The dermatologist seemed to think it would be plastics (which he also specialises in typically). 

so basically I have been knocked phisically sick with worry and anxiety over this and my husband is struggling too but coping far better than I am. I can't think about anything but this , don't want to eat or do anything and am in tears constantly. We have 3 children and a dog to look after and I can't go on like this. What if it is melanoma? The prognosis online looks awful and I can't bear to even think about that. 

ive had a read of some threads on this and wonder if anyone has any advice or success stories? It's not a trauma that we know of. He doesn't remember injuring his toe. He's 47, white with no major health problems. Please help 

  • Hi Lisa

    No suspicious cells detected!! So relieved. The plastic surgeon just wants to see me in three months to check on regrowth.

    thanks for asking.

    any changes to your husband's nail?

    Tracey x

  • Ahh that is amazing news!!!!! So relieved.  You can finally relax now. 

    no change here. He's been measuring it and we think it might be starting to grow out but it's hard to tell as toenails take so long to grow. It definitely hasn't got any worse though he is due for a follow up appointment March time. 



  • That's good news Lisa. Let me know how he gets on in March x

  • This is so reassuring. The waiting is awful. I'm in the same situation as you today. I had a stage 1a melanoma last year on my back. I've had a dodgy toenail for a long time. Treated it for fungal infection had it tested twice and nothing has come back. Had black patches in the past which have gone, however at the start of February I developed a black streak. Been to the consultant today and he's removing it for biopsy on the two week wait. I'm petrified. 

  • Please try to stay calm, and stay off google if you can. I drove myself absolutely insane and was convinced myself it was the worst possible scenario. 

    Recently my partner was put through the two week wait for bowel cancer. I did the exact same thing and googled and got myself into an awful state thinking the worst. That again turned out to be something very mundane and treatable. 

    So just take take each day as it comes. No amount of worrying will change the outcome and the NHS is incredible and will provide the best possible care whatever the outcome xx