melanoma toenail ?

Last night my husband googled a dark line that appeared on his big toenail a few ago. We expected it to be a fungal nail but were horrified to discover it's possibly a melanoma. 
I contacted a dermatologist who I have seen in the past and sent him a pic. He said that it could be a number of things but to get an urgent referral to dermatologist for a biopsy via the GP first thing on Monday. He was sadly unable to see us as is not working until well into the new year. :-( 

we have private healthcare and we're able to see a gp online last night who has done a referral letter and sent it to us to arrange with the private healthcare (but didn't Mark it as urgent)!  but nothing is open until tomorrow and I'm doubtful that Xmas week we will get anything done / if there will even be any private consultants working this week and then would they even do a biopsy? The dermatologist seemed to think it would be plastics (which he also specialises in typically). 

so basically I have been knocked phisically sick with worry and anxiety over this and my husband is struggling too but coping far better than I am. I can't think about anything but this , don't want to eat or do anything and am in tears constantly. We have 3 children and a dog to look after and I can't go on like this. What if it is melanoma? The prognosis online looks awful and I can't bear to even think about that. 

ive had a read of some threads on this and wonder if anyone has any advice or success stories? It's not a trauma that we know of. He doesn't remember injuring his toe. He's 47, white with no major health problems. Please help 

  • That doesn't sound too bad under local Tracey and you may get some reassurance immediately when they remove the nail I think today because you were psyched up to get it over with and it didn't happen it's been a huge disappointment for you. It's a shame they weren't clear before hand so you knew what to expect today. Hope you hear something this week in terms of a date for the biopsy. I'll let you know how we get on on Wednesday evening. I don't expect we will get any reassurance from the appointment but at least things are moving. Apparently the consultant also works for an nhs hospital so hoping this helps in terms of availability


  • Please try not to worry. I had the exact same dark line appear on my big toe nail. I've had a melanoma removed from my leg before, and was petrified. I was initially tested for a fungal infection, but nothing cleared it after a year of treatment. The line was then monitored for a further 6 months by a dermatologist and, albeit slowly, looked to be getting darker and wider so my whole toenail was eventually removed and a biopsy taken.

    It turned out to be nothing, just a discolouration that could have been down to a slight fungal infection.

  • Thanks so much for your reply. Reassurance is much needed at the minute and your post has helped so much. Not many people seem to come back and report the findings when things turned out good so it's great to hear your story. Thank you so much  

  • Good luck to your husband for Wednesday. Please report back x

  • Hi Tracey

    just a quick reply being Xmas Eve but my husbands appointment with the private consultant went well. He came away reassured for now. He doesn't think that it's melanoma as it starts half way up the toenail and doesn't follow the classic direction or shape of melanoma. He had a really good look with magnifying equipment and said he isn't concerned. He's asked us to measure it / photograph and he will see him again in 3 months. He said he is expecting it to grow out as the nail grows but if it starts to grow outwards in a linear direction to ring him and he will get hiM straight in to have it checked.  He didn't want to rush in with a biopsy for worry of damaging the nail plate unnecessarily when he didn't feel it was worrisome. He said if it turns out to be melanoma it's been caught extremely early and being monitored. Although we will feel more reassured if it starts to grow out and we see this for ourselves, we feel reassured enough now to enjoy Xmas and see what the new year brings. We have a 2 week rule appointment on 6th jan on nhs with a dermatologist if anything else  happens / changes and feel confident knowing we can ring up and go back if anything changes.  The derm seemed really knowledgeable and reeked off so many things it could be and he said he's seen hundreds of nails over the years with different diagnoses so we feel reassured that he's experienced and that this has only appeared in the last 2-3 weeks and doesn't look alarming at the minute. Happy to monitor and won't hesitate to ask for biopsy if anything changes.  I hope that you are doing ok and manage to have a nice Christmas. Keep us posted how it goes with the biopsy. 

    Lisa x

  • Hi Tracey

    ooh defo look at some new PJs then and some pampery stuff. I hear great reviews about mindfulness and calm apps on your phone too for trying to focus on the now and not panic thinking too far ahead before you actually know if there's even something to worry about. It's good news that there's been no change. We were told that if it was melanoma it would be really early stage and the fact that he's not following it up for 3 months is reassuring. The other derm also said that biology tends to move slowly. On the rare chance that you do have melanoma it sounds like it's being biopsied in the early stages which is great when you consider that for many they don't get picked up till sometimes 2 years down the line. We were also told that they tend to keep growing outwards in a linear direction. It's positive that it hasn't changed in 8 weeks.  Try and keep positive mental attitude, ring the hospital tomorrow for an update and if they have no appointment yet ask them to contact you ASAP so you can at least stop worrying about when the appointment will be. I think once you get a date you'll feel less anxious.  If you want to chat just message any time. 
    Lisa x 

  • Hi Lisa, so pleased that the appointment went well and you were reassured. I've been quite good over Christmas and haven't thought about it much but my husband and boys have gone back to work today so I'm home alone and it's all I can think about. I just wish I had a date for the biopsy so I would at least have something to aim for. Feeling very low today. Hope you're both doing ok x

  • Hi Tracey

    I was wondering how you were getting on. I'm pleased you were able to enjoy Christmas and at least put it to the back of your mind for a few days. Distraction and being around people definitely helps shift the focus away from the worry. With today being a Bank Holiday you may not hear today but tomorrow lots of people are back in work as usual so you may get a phone call with a date for early January for the biopsy. The NHS seem to ring with appointments in urgent cases (They gave us our two week rule appt the day they received the referral but thats just to see the dermatologist).  You cant control when the appointmnet will be but what about doing something you can control about the biopsy?  Looking online today and treating yourself some nice new slippers or PJs to wear after the op? You Could also ring the hospital department tomorrow to ask if they have a date for you yet as the not knowing when is making you anxious?   Also I keep telling myself that subungal melanoma is rare. Have you noticed any changes in the mark? - Has it improved any? Grown in size etc? Changes in the nail etc?  

  • Hi Lisa

    Some online shopping sounds like a great distraction. I received some new slippers and dressing gown for Xmas but some new PJs sounds ideal!

    I think I will call them tomorrow afternoon if I haven't heard anything just to reassure myself that they have my details.

    No changes to the toenail at all. I've worked out that I've had it about 8 weeks now and it hasn't got any bigger or grown up with the nail at all. I haven't got the typical straight line but the discolouration starts at the nail bed on the right side of the nail and goes halfway across  and up with an irregular edge.  It's not painful either but don't know if that's a positive or not!

    Thanks for replying. It's nice to chat.

    Tracey x


  • Just had a phone call from the hospital. All surgeries including possible cancer biopsies have been cancelled due to CoVid for the foreseeable future. They have suggested I try private route as well but they are not sure if they will be booking appointments now as last time when they stopped all operations, NHS & Private combined care.  Just feel sick