What to expect at a first oncology appointment?

Hi everyone!

I’m new to this forum, and it’s my first post, so firstly - nice to meet you! My name is Eli, and I’m a soon-to-be-22 year old student.

Onto the less jovial matters, I guess. I’ve just been referred to a local oncology unit/department, and safe to say I’m pretty darn anxious.

The referral comes after a GP spotted that my blood tests (which I get done at least once a month) have showed consistently low WBC and Neutrophils for quite some time now. They phoned me up to talk about possible symptoms I’ve had - night sweats, intense fatigue, joint pain and so on - and then made the referral. My first appointment is in early January, and I know enough about blood cancer symptoms to know that mine align rather closely and it’s possibly what my GP was thinking of.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask for anyone here to give me a diagnosis! I know the tricky thing with symptoms is that they’re pretty generic, and possibly (and probably) caused by other issues. The referral to oncology is still very frightening, though, and I was wondering if anyone might be able to say what I might expect from a first appointment? Will I have any tests done whilst there? Is it likely that I’ll get a diagnosis, one way or the other, at a first appointment?

I realise that every case, every patient and every journey is different, and nobody can tell me 100% what’s going to happen, but some idea of what tends to happen would greatly help ease my anxiety!

Thank you all for reading, and I hope everybody is having a lovely festive season despite the circumstances.

  • Hello Eli

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with a number of ongoing health concerns and that you're now waiting on an appointment to see a specialist in the new year. It's understandable that you may be feeling worried about what will happen at the appointment. 

    I imagine that the specialist will talk to you about your symptoms and health in general and want to review any tests that you've had to date. They may want to request some further tests or investigations and those may or may not happen at the appointment depending on what the Consultant requests. 

    It may be that the Consultant is in a position to give you an idea about what is responsible for your symptoms based on all the information they have to have and their clinical expertise but this isn't always the case. 

    I realise that my answers have been a bit non-committal and I'm sorry that I've not been able to give you any firmer information. I wonder if you might find it helpful to have a chat with one of our team of nurses ahead of your appointment. If you would like to speak to them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that your appointment brings some answers and reassurance. Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jenn, 

    Thank you for reassuring my concerns and anxieties! I've tried to not delve into the dark hole of googling symptoms and the like, but I already knew enough about blood cancer symptoms to have an incling they might investiage it, so I've been pretty anxious these past weeks!

    Thank you for going through the possible steps that might be taken at a first appointment. I completley understand that it's hard to tell anyone what they might expect, because it will vary from case to case, person to person, and consultant to consultant! So all of the information you've given is really helpful, and very much appreciated. Having an idea of what could happen has already alleviated some of the anxiety, and I can start preparing myself for it better now!

    I have felt hesitant to access cancer-specific resources, as I don't have a diagnosis yet (and of course, may not get one at all), but closer to the time of my appointment I think I will, just to talk through the process and alleviate some of my concerns. 

    Thank you ever so much for your kindness, reassurance and support, I really appreciate it!

    All the best, 


  • Hi [@elipluto]‍ 

    I hope you are well, I'm sorry to hear you've been having these symptoms. I just wanted to ask if you got any further with diagnosis? I have been experiencing similar.

    Thank you
