Calprotectin levels

Good afternoon, 

Please can anyone share any experience of calprotectin levels and what levels of around 260 could mean? I am struggling with my doctors at the moment for any information, 

Thank you for any help anyone can give, 


  • I'm in a bit of a haze, 


    When I posted this I was all over the place and full of worry, overthinking my potential future.

    I'm glad I've been booked in so soon,  it was classed as urgent however which adds extra worry! Doctor not been great, I've tried to call for them to explain the high levels of calprotectin as mines seem to be as high as they can measure??

    I totally get how your feeling, my sons 2 and I'm just filled with dread thinking that I'm going to have something worse than IBD.


    Have u been diagnosed with chrons or UC ? X


  • No I haven't had any diagnosis, they only agreed to doing the stool sample as they were sure it would come back under 50'and that it would be ibs.

    But obviously it's higher than that and I instantly looked online and only horror stories come up!

    From what I've read when it's really high like yours it's usually something like crohns, rather than something more worrying (although crohns isn't ideal It's not as bad as some other things!) but mine was 120 which is just mildly raised and I haven't really come acosss many positive stories (except one poster above!) of it being those levels where there has been bleeding and change of bowel habit and then normal. 

     it's so stressful all of this, I just wish it was a few months ago before these troubles started and I was just enjoying my life. It feels like doom and gloom when you see the symptoms of bowel/colon cancer and it's bleeding and bowel changes, and I've got those symptoms. 

    Not Much longer to wait for your appointment, you'll be glad when it's out of the way!! I went to the gp 6 weeks ago and I'm still no further forward with anything because ive had to wait and repeat it. When I know that if it's raised again I'll be referred to the hospital and it'll be more waiting. Xx