Good afternoon,
Please can anyone share any experience of calprotectin levels and what levels of around 260 could mean? I am struggling with my doctors at the moment for any information,
Thank you for any help anyone can give,
Good afternoon,
Please can anyone share any experience of calprotectin levels and what levels of around 260 could mean? I am struggling with my doctors at the moment for any information,
Thank you for any help anyone can give,
Hello Terrified
The calprotectin blood test is able to detect inflammation in the bowel and is used by doctors as a simple way to check for a number of inflammatory bowel conditions.
I can see from another post that you made recently that you do have a lot going on at the moment and it's understandable that you're feeling concerned about things.
Do get back in touch with your GP surgery and ask for an appointment, even if just by telephone, with someone who can explain what has been going on with your tests and ask for some clarification. I'm sure the GP will be able to offer you some reassurance.
Best wishes,
Cancer Chat moderator
Louise, are you ok? Same levels as me x
Hi Alice,
Sorry to hear you have been worrying. My doctors repeated my test and told me the results were notmal the second time round, They said it can be down to a number of conditions.
Thank you. May I ask you what symptoms you had which prompted you to have a stool test? X
Hi Louise,
Can you share the other conditions?
I'm wondering if stress was one of them?
Thank you.
My stool sample results came back at over 1800. I've to have an urgent colonoscopy and biopsy.
So scared, I'm only 33 and have a small child.
Symptoms had been blood around stools, mucas, and then more recently dark red clots evrytime I have a movement.
Generally not in alot of pain just bloated.
Doctor originally had said potential IBD but now with such high levels I'm terrified.
Anyone else been this high and been IBD? X
Hi, I was wondering the same. I'm due my repeat calprotectin levels soon and im dreading it. I have a few issues going on in that department, blood on stool once, and blood when wiping (been told I have a fissure and also skin irritation there, which could be causing the bleeding) but did the stool sample to check inflammation and it came back slightly raised. Worried. X
Hi hope you are ok? X
Hi thanks for checking in.
I've been booked in in the 8th Dec for colonoscopy and a biopsy, yesterday I had more bloods this time to check If I have celiac (which I don't think is it)
I will keep you posted!
X how r u
Just waiting until next week for my repeat calprotectin test although I don't see much point in a repeat as it surely won't have changed of my symptoms haven't changed. I hope they have miraculously returned to normal or I'll just continue worrying while waiting for more tests/appointments and I have a young child And im finding all the Christmas stuff overwhelming when I'm so anxious about everything.
how do you feel about your colonoscopy? Did you speak to a consultant first or just get directly reffered? Has your GP given you much advice or reassurance?
i had celiac bloods too and they came back ok xx